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Re: Movies

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919 - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015) - 8.5/10 - Greg is an awkward high school senior who tries to avoid attention and secretly makes movies with his only friend, Earl. Greg's mother forces him to spend time with a classmate named Rachel who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. They become friends and this friendship becomes the focus for the rest of his senior year. The movie is kind of quirky and both fun and sad at times. I liked the three leads and the supporting cast.

920 - The Italian (1915) - 7.5/10 - A man immigrates from Italy to New York City and later brings his girlfriend over so that they can be married. He works hard, but life isn't easy in the slums of New York. George Beban did a nice job in the lead here and I thought the story was good.

921 - When the Clouds Roll By (1919) - 8/10 - Douglas Fairbanks plays a superstitious New Yorker who becomes the victim of a manipulative and crazy psychiatrist. He also meets a young woman that he falls in love with during this time. There is some inventive imagery in the dream sequences and plenty of humor in an entertaining film.

922 - The Spiders - The Golden Sea (1919) - 7/10 - An adventurer finds a message in a bottle that leads him to a lost Incan colony. A criminal group known as the Spiders wants any treasure that he may find there. A decent adventure film directed by Fritz Lang.

923 - The Spiders - The Diamond Ship (1920) - 6/10 - The second (and last) entry in the series sees our adventurer trying to track down the Spiders to get revenge. It wasn't as interesting or good as the first film.

924 - Male and Female (1919) - 8/10 - A wealthy family is shipwrecked on an island in the Pacific with their butler and a maid. However, they soon learn that they can't boss the butler around so easily under these conditions. Gloria Swanson plays a spoiled daughter who undergoes a big change during their stay on the island. I liked this one quite a bit.
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Re: Movies

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925 - Pyaasa (1957) - 8.5/10 - Vijay is a poet who has had no success getting his poems published and his brothers even sell some of them as waste paper. He is very poor and struggling. Things turn around somewhat when he becomes acquainted with a kind prostitute who has read his poems. It's a nice romance/drama and the singing of the poems works well within the context of the film.

926 - The Child of Paris / L'enfant de Paris (1913) - 9/10 - Marie-Laure's father is a French army captain. When he goes missing and her mother dies, the little girl ends up in a boarding school where she has a tough time. She runs away and ends up in the hands of Parisian criminals. These criminals see her as a payday when the father returns to France. I thought this was very well acted with a good story and was filmed very well. It seems like a film ahead of its time.

927 - Cabiria (1914) - 7/10 - When Mt. Etna erupts, young Cabiria is separated from her family and thought dead. She is taken as a slave to be sacrificed, but is later rescued by a Roman spy and his loyal slave. This is a decent historical epic and has some interesting scenes.

928- Stella Maris (1918) - 7/10 - Mary Pickford stars as Stella Maris, a young woman who has been paralyzed and bed-ridden all her life Her family keeps her shielded from anything bad. Stella is close friends with John and loves him, but doesn't know that he is actually married to a woman that he no longer loves. The wife takes an orphan girl named Unity (also Pickford) from the orphanage to keep house, but mistreats her. The story is decent, but fairly average as is most of the acting. The exception is Pickford herself who is very good as Stella and exceptional as Unity. Her looks and mannerisms are transformed when she is playing the orphan girl and I wouldn't have recognized her. She also looks like she could pass for the teenager that she is playing there.

929 - Sealed Orders (1914) - 5/10 - A naval officer is entrusted with sealed orders that end up being viewed by a spy who is trying unsuccessfully to woo his wife. When it becomes known that the plans were stolen, the officer is thought a traitor. The acting hasn't aged very well here for the most part. The story also has a fewf issues with coincidence, timing, and how some of the characters react to events. It's still watchable, though.

930 - Madame DuBarry (1919) - 7/10 - Pola Negri stars as the mistress of Louis XV in this historical biopic. She gave a decent performance and the film is also decent..
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Re: Movies

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931 - Daddy-Long-Legs (1919) - 7/10 - Mary Pickford stars as a girl raised in an orphanage who gets an opportunity to go to college thanks to a secret benefactor. The first part of the film deals with life in the orphanage and there is plenty of humor. The second half is more serious as the girl attends college, falls in love, and tries to become an author. I liked the first half more, but enjoyed the picture as a whole as well.

932 - Ingeborg Holm (1913) - 7/10 - A husband and wife make a modest living running a small grocery. When the husband falls ill and dies, the store fails and the wife has to go to the workhouse and send her kids into foster care due to bankruptcy.

933 - Judex (1916) - 7/10 - Another of Louis Feuillade's serials. This one features a man who has taken the name Judex who seeks revenge on a crooked banker that caused his family and many others to lose large amounts of money and security. I liked this one more than Les vampires, though not quite as much as Fantômas.

934 - Blind Husbands (1919) - 7/10 - An American doctor and his wife vacation in a mountain village in Italy. The doctor doesn't pay much attention to his wife and is soon called away to help a local doctor. Meanwhile, an Austrian officer has set his sights on winning over the wife, even though she is not interested in his attention. Nice scenery and decent performances.
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Re: Movies

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935 - Blind Justice (1916) - 7/10 - A man is wrongly convicted of murder and escapes briefly with his infant son before being recaptured. When he gets out many years later, he seeks revenge on the young woman that he thinks betrayed him. It's a fairly straightforward and simple tale, but still entertaining.

936 - Father Sergius (1918) - 6/10 - What do you do if you are a Russian prince and officer and you discover that the woman you want to marry is secretly the czar’s mistress? Resign your commission and join a monastery to try and avoid the temptations of the flesh, of course.

937 - Sir Arne's Treasure (1919) - 8.5/10 - Three Scottish mercenaries are being held in a Swedish prison. After they escape, they end up murdering Sir Arne and all those with him, except for one young woman. They steal his treasure and start looking to book passage back to Scotland. Things get more complicated when the surviving woman and one of the mercenaries fall for each other later in the winter. I thought this was well acted and also well shot.
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Re: Movies

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938 - The Outlaw and His Wife (1918) - 7.5/10 - An outlaw comes down out of the mountains in Iceland where he had been hiding for some time. He finds work on the farm of a wealthy widow and the two fall for each other. When he is recognized for who he really is, it means trouble for the two. I thought it was a little uneven, but mostly good with some nice scenery and decent acting.

939 - Hearts of the World (1918) - 6/10 - This propaganda film shows life in a French village before the onset of war. Life there is disrupted by the first World War and even more when the village is overrun by the German army. The first half of the film is tedious, but it gets a little better in the second half.

940 - Häxan (1922) - 8.5/10 - This "documentary" on witchcraft during the middle ages has plenty of humor and is also interesting in the way it ties the witchcraft of the past to present day issues.

941 - The Golden Chance (1915) - 8/10 - Mary is the daughter of a respectable judge, but she made a bad decision and married a petty thief with a penchant for alcohol. She takes a day job as a seamstress to try and help make ends meet and her employer hires her to woo a potential client and they really fall for each other. The film could have been fleshed out a bit more, but I thought it was well acted and pretty entertaining as is.

942 - Limite (1931) - 8/10 - This Brazilan silent film starts with a man and two women apparently lost at sea in a rowboat. Most of the film consists of flashbacks. There is some excellent cinematography in this experimental and interesting film.
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Re: Movies

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943 - Ashes and Diamonds (1958) - 7/10 - At the end of WWII in Europe, an assassin in Poland is given an assignment to kill a political opponent. He begins to have doubts about whether this is worthwhile. I never really warmed to the film, but it looks good and was okay overall.

944 - The Seashell and the Clergyman (1928) - 6/10 - The film had some interesting imagery, but didn't do much for me as a whole.

945 - Soy Cuba (1964) - 8/10 - The film takes place around the time of the Cuban Revolution in the late 1950s. Sure it's propaganda, but it's well made propaganda

Chaplin Shorts
Caught in a Cabaret (1914) (30 minutes)
Mabel’s Busy Day (1914) (10 minutes)
The Masqueraders (1914) (9 minutes)
The Rounders (1914) (16 minutes)
In the Park (1915) (14 minutes)
By the Sea (1915) (20 minutes)
The Bank (1915) (25 minutes)
Shanghaied (1915) (27 minutes)
A Night in the Show (1915) (24 minutes)
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Re: Movies

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946 - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1965) - 7.5/10 - Ivan and Marichka become friends as children and seem destined to marry as adults. I thought the cinematography was excellent and I liked the heavy use of Ukrainian folk songs.

947 - Yi Yi (2000) - 9/10 - A middle class Taiwanese family each are dealing with a variety of issues. The father has concerns about his business and reunites with an old girlfriend. The mother struggles with her own mother's stroke. The daughter spends time with her new friend and is interested in the friend's boyfriend. The son takes an interest in photography and we get to see plenty of his school life as well. It's a very nice film

Solomon Sir Jones Film 1-Film 29 (436 minutes) - These home movies were kind of cool. It was interesting to see people and the way they dressed from nearly a century ago, though many of those scenes got a bit repetitive after a while. The street scenes, sports scenes, and videos from various vacation spots - Paris, NYC, Marseilles, Nazareth, etc. were more interesting. The cars and other vehicles plus the stores of that era were cool to see.

Leave 'Em Laughing (1928) (22 minutes) - Laurel and Hardy
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Re: Movies

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948 - Wara Wara (1930) - 6.5/10 - In the 16th Century, a tribe of Inca are killed or scattered by Spanish conquistadors. Wara Wara is a princess of the tribe and she later falls for a Spaniard who aided her when other Spaniards tried to molest her. The acting was kind of amateurish much of the time, but the settings were interesting and the story was kind of interesting from a historical perspective.

949 - Man of Gold (1919) - 6.5/10 - A pasha and his daughter escape from their enemies with the aid of a ship captain. When the pasha dies, he entrusts his fortune and the care of his daughter to the captain. The story is interesting, though apparently the film was originally in three parts and ran about 4 hours, though only an 83 minute version remains. The acting is exaggerated and over the top and the main villain is almost cartoonish.
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Re: Movies

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950 - Bullet Train (2022) - 8/10 - An assassin often cursed with bad luck (Brad Pitt) takes an assignment to snatch a briefcase on a bullet train. It is supposed to be a quick job, but complications arise in the form of other assassins on the train. There is plenty of humor and violence and I thought it was fun.
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Re: Movies

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951 - War is Hell / Maudite soit la guerre (1914) - 7.5/10 - A pilot is visiting friends in a neighboring country, studying with their pilots and falling for his friend's sister. When war is declared between the two countries, he returns home and does his duty, though he bears no malice toward the people he is fighting. A pretty good film, especially for its time.

952 - The Dance of the Paroxysms / A Dança dos Paroxismos (1929) - 5/10 - A knight who failed to find the Holy Grail is heading home to marry his betrothed when he gets sidelined by sylphs. I thought the actor who played the knight was pretty lifeless and the film didn't do much for me.

953 - Miner's Luck / Rudareva Sreca (1926) - 6/10 - Miners are lured into the mountains with tales of treasure hidden there. A successful mine operation is set up and a romance occurs between one young miner and the daughter of another. There are long stretches where not much really happens, but we do get some nice scenery and scenes of mining and railroads.

954 - Garras de oro (1927) - 6/10 - The film is critical of U.S. policies in Panama. The U.S. policies in Central America were still suspect for much longer after that.

955 - El húsar de la muerte (1925) - 6.5/10 - This biopic covers the last few years in the life of Manuel Rodriguez, a revolutionary in Chile early in the 1800s. It's not bad.

956 - Jánošík (1921) - 7/10 - The film relates the legend of Juraj Jánošík, a Slovak seminary student who became a highwayman early in the 1700s due to an unjust lord and his servants. Overall, I thought it was good.
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Re: Movies

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Charlie Chaplin shorts (598 minutes)
20 Minutes of Love (1914) - (13 minutes)
A Burlesque on Carmen (1915) - (31 minutes)
A Woman (1915) - (26 minutes)
Behind the Screen (1916) - (25 minutes)
Easy Street (1917) - (20 minutes)
Face on the Bar Room Floor (1914) - (14 minutes)
Getting Acquainted (1914) - (15 minutes)
His New Job (1915) - (24 minutes)
His Prehistoric Past (1914) - (22 minutes)
His Trysting Places (1914) - (30 minutes)
Kid ’s Auto Race (1914) - (6 minutes)
Laffing Gas (1914) - (16 minutes)
Mabel's Married Life (1914) - (15 minutes)
Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1914) - (12 minutes)
One A.M. (1916) - (26 minutes)
Pay Day (1922) - (21 minutes)
The Adventurer (1917) - (24 minutes)
The Champion (1915) - (31 minutes)
The Count (1916) - (20 minutes)
The Cure (1917) - (24 minutes)
The Fatal Mallet (1914) - (14 minutes)
The Fireman (1916) - (20 minutes)
The Floorwalker (1916) - (28 minutes)
The Immigrant (1917) - (21 minutes)
The Paperhanger (1915) - (28 minutes)
The Pawn Shop (1916) - (21 minutes)
The Rink (1916) - (25 minutes)
The Vagabond (1916) - (26 minutes)
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Re: Movies

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957 - Sparrows (1926) - 8/10 - Mary Pickford stars as Molly, the oldest of a group of orphan children who are used as slave labor on a farm deep in the swamps of the south. A new baby is added to the mix in the form of the kidnapped daughter of a wealthy family. There are a number of hijinx as well, often involving the bratty son of the grizzled old farmer. Pickford is good here and I thought it was fun. The journey through the swamp was done pretty well.

958 - The Temptress (1926) - 6.5/10 - Greta Garbo stars as a woman who uses her looks to manipulate men. The film was okay, though I didn't really warm to the story much.

959 - The Golem: How He Came Into the World (1920) - 7/10 - A Rabbi in 16th Century Prague creates a creature out of clay to serve as a protector for the Jewish people. The film was good, but I didn't like it as much as many seem to.

960 - Shutter Island (2010) - 8.5/10 - Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo are U.S. Marshals in 1954 who go to a federal asylum on an island to investigate a missing prisoner. The investigation makes them think that something isn't quite right on the island. I saw this in the theater when it came out, but didn't record it at the time for some reason. It's a nice film with a noir feel to it.

961 - Redes (1936) - 6/10 - Fishermen try to organize to get a better deal from the wealthy people who control the prices they get paid.

962 - Uncharted (2022) - 7/10 - Tom Holland stars as Nathan Drake in this adaptation of the video game series. He doesn't really seem like the Drake of the video games to me, but it's a decent adventure film that picks up in the last half hour or so.
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Re: Movies

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963 - The Raid (2011) - 8/10 - A small group of elite police officers raid an apartment tower that is under the control of a powerful gang. The raid turns into a trap and they must fight in order to survive. Tons of action in a fairly entertaining film.

964 - Social Decay (1932) - 4/10 - A pretty dull bit of communist propaganda about a poor university student who drops out to get a job as an actor. He becomes successful, but throws it all away when his girlfriend falls under the influence of a wealthy businessman. This leads to a downward spiral and eventually adopting the communist ways.

965 - Dragus, viata unui sat românesc (1929) - 6/10 - This is a somewhat interesting documentary about life in a Romanian village.

966 - Sel'kincek /The Swing (1993) - 7/10 - Life in a small rural town with a seashell, a swing, a mural, and some interesting visuals.
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Re: Movies

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967 - The City Without Jews (1924) - 7/10 - Inflation has hit hard, their money is worthless, and people are gathering in the streets so politicians in Utopia (Vienna) decide to expel all the Jews as a cure for all that ails the country. Things initially seem to go well, but that soon changes. This satire seems to reflect the time it was made fairly well. The author of the book the film was based on was murdered by a Nazi and screenings of the film had problems as well. It's a good film, though it seems pretty mild compared to what was to come in real life.

Arabesque (1929) - (5 minutes)
Anemic Cinema (1926) - (7 minutes)
El Terror de la Frontera (1929) - (5 minutes)
Invisible Ink (1921) - (8 minutes)
Symphonie diaganale (1924) - (9 minutes)
Comicalamities (1928) - (8 minutes)
The Olympic Games as They Were Practiced in Ancient Greece (1924) - (8 minutes)
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Re: Movies

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Daisy Doodad's Dial (1914) - (9 minutes)
The Sinking of the 'Lusitania' (1918) - (11 minutes)
The March of the Machines (1927) - (8 minutes)
Lichtspiel Opus 1. (1921) - (12 minutes)
The Girl and Her Trust (1912) - (15 minutes)
Montparnasse (1929) - (15 minutes)
Emak-Bakia (1927) - (16 minutes)
Ballet mécanique (1924) - (18 minutes)
Big Business (1929) - (18 minutes)
The Starfish (1928) - (18 minutes)
Überfall (1928) - (21 minutes)
The Two Tars (1928) - (22 minutes)
Entr'acte (1924) - (20 minutes)
The Mysteries of the Chateau de De (1929) - (27 minutes)
Chess Fever (1925) - (28 minutes)
Borinage (1934) - (34 minutes)
Ménilmontant (1926) - (38 minutes)
The Smiling Madame Beudet (1923) - (38 minutes)
The Little Match Girl (1928) - (32 minutes)
Der verlorene Schuh (1923) - (26 minutes)
The Song That Reached His Heart (1910) - (15 minutes)

968 - Drifters (1929) - 7/10 - The film follows a group of fishermen as they head out onto the North Sea, catch a lot of fish, and then bring their catch to market. It was interesting.
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