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Re: Movies

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70 - White Bim Black Ear - 8/10 - This Russian movie starts with a writer adopting a puppy he names Bim that is looked down on because it doesn't have standard coloring (it is white with a black ear instead of normal dark coloring all over). The dog quickly becomes his best friend, is very well trained and friendly, though a woman in his housing complex has it in for the dog and lies about Bim and says that he bit her. The writer eventually has to go into the hospital due to shrapnel near his heart and Bim has a series of adventures as he goes in search of his master. He makes friends along the way, but there are also bad people out there who make trouble for Bim. This was a pretty good movie.
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Re: Movies

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71 - The Lighthouse - 7.5/10 - A psychological horror story about two men on a remote New England island who man a lighthouse. The older man has been there for a while and bullies the younger man. The younger man takes the abuse for a while, though the loneliness of the island help him start to lose his sanity. After they are stranded on the island after a storm, things come to a head. Great black and white cinematography and acting.

72 - Yesterday - 8/10 - Jack Malik is a struggling singer who is on the verge of giving up performing when he gets in an accident and wakes up in a world that never heard of The Beatles. He finds success in performing their songs, but it costs him in other ways. I thought it was a lot of fun.
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Re: Movies

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73 - Flat Top - 6.5/10 - A tough captain has to whip his pilots in to shape on an aircraft carrier during World War II. Lots of stock footage in a watchable, but not great film.

74 - Captain Carey, U.S.A. - 7.5/10 - Captain Carey and another OSS operative operated behind enemy lines in Italy during WWII, but were betrayed. Carey was wounded and ended up in a hospital for a long time. He returns to Italy years after the war to search for the betrayer who caused his friend and lover to be killed. I thought it was pretty entertaining.

75 - The Boys from Syracuse - 7/10 - This comedy musical features a man and his slave from the city of Syracuse (in ancient Greece) who travel to Ephesus and are mistaken by a lot of people for their twin brothers who share the same name. It is (very) loosely based on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. It wasn't bad, overall.

76 - Intermezzo (1939) - 7/10 - Leslie Howard stars as a world famous violinist who falls for his young daughter's piano teacher (Ingrid Bergman in her Hollywood debut). The music is pretty good an the story is okay.

77 - Operator 13 - 6.5/10 - Two women are recruited to travel to the south to act as spies during the Civil War. One of them goes in blackface, disguised as a maid. The blackface was bad enough, but it wasn't even convincing. The story itself was okay.

78 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) - 8/10 - A pretty faithful adaptation of the classic Mark Twain story with good performances from the cast.
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Re: Movies

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79 - Angel Has Fallen - 7/10 - Mike Banning is set up as the fall guy for an assassination attempt on the President. He finds himself on the run, trying to stay free and to track down the real culprit. This was probably the most realistic of the movies in the trilogy, though that it isn't saying much. Still, it was a decent enough action movie and was entertaining.

80 - Dora and the Lost City of Gold - 8/10 - Based on the Dora the Explorer cartoon, this was a fun movie with plenty of humor, much of it with tongue firmly in cheek. It is aimed at kids/families, but has good effects and performances. Dora is sent to the city to go to school with her cousin Diego who she hasn't really seen for 10 years, though they used to be close. Meanwhile. her parents are close to finding a lost city in the jungle. Dora knows the ways of the jungle, but not the ways of school.

81 - Honeyland - 8/10 - This documentary is about a Macedonian woman in her mid-50s who lives with her 85 year old mother in a deserted village in the mountains where she grew up. She has bees with which she uses the old ways taught to her by her grandfather to always leave half of the honey for the bees. She sells the honey that she harvests so that she can buy goods and food in the market of a city. Her life is disrupted when a nomadic family arrives with their cattle and chickens and an abundance of kids. This was a good film and was nominated for Best Documentary and Best Picture.
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Re: Movies

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82 - The Farewell - 8.5/10 - Awkwafina stars as Billi, a 30 year old Chinese American living in New York City, not far from her parents. She learns that her grandmother is dying from cancer and that the family plans to keep it from her so that her last few months are spent without worrying. The family also is getting together in China for a wedding involving one of her cousins as an excuse to see the grandmother before she passes, but they don't want Billi to come along because they are afraid that she can't keep it secret. She goes anyway on her own and what follows is a very good family drama with plenty of humor, discussions on different approaches to life and family drama. This is a very nice movie.

83 - Blinded By the Light - 8/10 - A Pakistani boy growing up in England in 1987 lives in a household with a very strict father. He wants to be a writer, but is very repressed in his ability to express himself due to his home life. He is introduced to the works of Bruce Springsteen and that helps him learn how to break out of his shell. I thought it was a fun movie.
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Re: Movies

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84 - Judy - 7/10 - This biopic about Judy Garland covers events from the year before her death at the age of 47 as well as flashbacks to the tough childhood she had with her mother and Louis B. Mayer in the 1930s. It is a sad story, but the movie is just okay.

85 - That Man from Rio - 8.5/10 - This French film is a romantic action/adventure comedy/drama that was very entertaining. A museum is broken into and a small statue from Brazil is stolen. It turns out the statue was one of three brought back from the Amazon many years earlier by three explorers on an expedition. It turns out that the statues can lead the way to an ancient hidden treasure. The daughter of one of the men who died in the jungle is kidnapped because she knows where he hid his statue in Rio. Her fiancee is an airman on leave who follows her to Brazil to try and rescue her. The movie is a lot of fun. It is a shame that Françoise Dorléac who plays the female lead, Agnes, died only a few years later in a car accident.

86 - John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum - 7.5/10 - This one starts a few minutes after Chapter 2 and sees John Wick on the run after being declared excommunicado. He gets a one hour head start, but it might not be enough. I thought this was a pretty good movie, certainly much better than the second movie, though not as good as the first one.
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Re: Movies

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87 - Men in Black: International - 8/10 - Tessa Thompson stars as Molly (Agent M) who viewed an incident as a child and escaped neuralization leading to a lifelong interest in aliens and the men in black. She seeks them out and is eventually recruited as a probationary agent. I thought that she did a great job. The movie has gotten a number of bad reviews, but I thought that it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it.

88 - Shaft (2019) - 7.5/10 - I thought this was a fun movie. I've seen the original Shaft movie and the one from 2000 and it fits in pretty well with them.

89 - The Young Girls of Rochefort - 7.5/10 - This French musical features lots of songs and dancing. Real life sisters Catherine Deneuve and Françoise Dorléac play twins who want to leave their small town and visit Paris. Their mother runs a small cafe and their (much) younger brother attends school nearby. Carnies come to town and put on a number of performances and two of the men try to woo the sisters. The movie is bright and cheerful and enjoyable. Gene Kelly also is featured as an American visiting his friend who owns a music store.
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Re: Movies

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90 - The Two Popes - 8/10 - Pope Benedict XVI is thinking of retiring in the near future and he calls Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina (the future Pope Francis) to Rome where they meet and have many conversations. I thought that this biographical film was pretty good.
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Re: Movies

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91 - Klaus - 8.5/10 - A spoiled young man from a wealthy family is sent to a dingy town in the far north as the new postman with a mandate to process a certain number of letters in a year or be cut off. It's a big challenge, but might be possible with the help of a woodcutter who lives in a distant part of the island where the town is located. I thought this was a very nice movie.

92 - I Lost My Body - 8/10 - A severed hand escapes from a dissection lab and tries to return to its owner. Flashbacks tell the story of the young man before he lost his hand from his job delivering pizzas through taking a job with a carpenter to try and get to know the carpenter's niece. I thought it was a good film.

93 - Breaking the Ice - 5/10 - Bobby Breen stars as a boy who is staying on a Mennonite farm with his mother and a strict uncle. He runs away to Philadelphia to raise the money necessary for his mother and him to travel to their farm in a distant town. He joins up with a slightly shady antiques dealer along the way. It was a pretty dumb movie, mainly serving as a showcase for Breen to sing.

94 - Beyond the Time Barrier - 6.5/10
- This actually wasn't too bad for a low budget science fiction movie from 1960. An air force pilot in an experimental vehicle breaks through the time barrier to 2024 where things have changed a lot since 1960, especially due to a cosmic plague that happened in the 1970s. The pilot makes a few friends in the new society and tries to find a way back home.
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Re: Movies

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95 - Only Old Men are Going to Battle - 8.5/10 - This Soviet film from 1973 is about a fighter squadron during WWII who go up against German forces. Their commander is an excellent pilot who loves music and each of the squadron members either sings or plays an instrument. There are good flying sequences as well as plenty of humor and camaraderie. The old men are the experienced pilots who go up for certain battles, leaving the rookies behind until they have more seasoning. Eventually the rookies become old men and a new group of rookies come in. This is an excellent film.
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Re: Movies

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96 - Officers - 7.5/10 - This Soviet film from 1971 is about two soldiers (Alexey and Ivan) who become friends around 1920 while stationed in Turkestan fighting bandits. They are both in love with the same woman, though Alexey is already married to her. Each segment jumps ahead a number of years and the saga covers over 30 years and involves three generations, but the three form the core of the film. It was a pretty good film, though not on par with Only Old Men are Going to Battle.

97 - The Man from Earth - 8/10 - A professor is all packed up and ready to move on when a number of his friends drop by to say goodbye. He admits to them that he is actually a 14000 year old Cro-Magnon who stopped aging and never died. They have a long discussion where they delve into teh details of his life as his friends try to pick holes in his story. I thought it was a very interesting and entertaining movie.
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Re: Movies

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98 - The Decline of the American Empire - 7/10 - This French Canadian film revolves around an upcoming dinner among friends. The four men are at the house getting the meal prepared and talking about many aspects of sex and various affairs. Meanwhile, the women are at the gym, working out, enjoying the sauna and other amenities while also having their own discussions about sex. Their dinner is mostly a success at first, though some problems after. It was a decent film.
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Re: Movies

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99 - Everybody's Famous - 7.5/10 - This Belgian comedy features a man who tries to get his daughter to win singing competitions and become famous, but though she is a decent singer, she doesn't like performing in front of people because of her looks. The father takes advantage of a chance encounter to kidnap a famous singer in order to blackmail her manager to give his daughter a chance. I thought that it started a bit slow, but became more enjoyable as it went along.
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Re: Movies

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100 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 8.5/10 - I haven't seen this in a long time so I decided to watch it on Disney+. It was excellent, of course.
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Re: Movies

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101 - The Rescuers - 7.5/10 - An enjoyable story about two mice who work for the rescue aid society who answer the call when a six year old orphan girl sends a call for help in a glass bottle. She was kidnapped by a mean woman who is using her to search for a valuable diamond.
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