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Re: Movies

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508 - Lonely Are the Brave (1962) - 8/10 - Kirk Douglas is a cowboy who doesn't have much use for modern society. He has no fixed address and sleeps wherever ends up. When he finds that a friend of his has been placed in jail for two years, he decides to get himself arrested in order to break him out. Douglas is very good here and the movie is pretty entertaining.

509 - Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969) - 7.5/10 - James Garner stars as a man 'on his way to Australia' who visits a lawless western town undergoing a gold rush. He witnesses a murder in the saloon his first day in town and after he takes the job of sheriff, arrests the murderer (Bruce Dern) and puts him in jail. One problem is that the jail cells don't have bars yet, but that doesn't stop him. The arrested man has a father and brothers who do pretty much whatever they want. This is a fun comedy and Garner is pretty good here. Harry Morgan and Walter Brennan also have supporting roles.

510 - The Shooting (1966) - 6/10 - A couple of miners agree to escort a woman across the desert to her destination. They are trailed by a mysterious gunfighter (Jack Nicholson). The film looks good and starts out fairly well, but I didn't really enjoy it all that much.

511 - The Terror of Tiny Town (1938) - 5/10 - The all dwarf cast plays it straight and it isn't really appreciably worse than other b-movie westerns that I've seen from the 1930s, but it isn't great.

512 - Run of the Arrow (1957) - 5.5/10 - A Confederate soldier can't accept losing the war so he leaves home and heads out west. He befriends an older Sioux scout and earns the right to join the Sioux. He serves as a liaison with the U.S. Army cavalry regiment that is negotiating to build a fort in Sioux territory.

513 - The Naked Dawn (1955) - 7/10 - A bandit encounters a farmer and his wife and hires the farmer to drive him where he wants to go. He also convinces him to partake in a robbery. The farmer starts dreaming of wealth and embraces the seedier side to an extent while his wife sees an escape from her current situation in the bandit.

514 - Vera Cruz (1954) - 8/10 - Gary Cooper stars as a soldier who heads to Mexico after the Civil War to fight as a mercenary in the war between France and Mexico. He meets a gunman (Burt Lancaster) and his men soon after arriving in Mexico. They are hired to escort a Countess to Vera Cruz. There is also a subplot about a valuable shipment of gold. Cooper and Lancaster give very nice performances here in a pretty good film.

515 - Meek's Cutoff (2010) - 6.5/10 - A group of settlers in a wagon train get lost in the desert while on the Oregon Trail. It's got nice cinematography, but is pretty slow moving.
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Re: Movies

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516 - Ulzana's Raid (1972) - 7.5/10 - Ulzana is an Apache warrior who breaks out of the reservation with a small band and goes around raiding - killing, raping, stealing from those in the area. A group of U.S. cavalry along with a couple of scouts, one of them Apache, are detailed to capture or kill Ulzana. It's a pretty good film.

517 - Dementia (1955) - 7/10 - This film is sort of like a nightmare that someone might have. A young woman moves through the streets where the news headline is about a mysterious stabbing. She is first saved from harassment by a policeman and then later followed by him in his patrol car. She seems somewhat mesmerized by her switchblade at times. There is no dialogue and the music helps establish the mood.

518 - The Hired Hand (1971) - 5.5/10 - Peter Fonda stars as a man who has been drifting from job to job for many years after leaving his wife. He tires of this and decides to return home, accompanied by his friend (Warren Oates). They run afoul of a man in a small town who killed their other companion. The film is slow moving and light on story.

519 - They Call Me Trinity (1970) - 7/10 - We first meet Trinity as he is dozing on a travois being pulled by his moving horse. We later learn that he is nicknamed the Right Hand of the Devil due to his incredibly fast draw. His brother is the Left Hand of the Devil. The two team up to help a group of Mormons who are threatened by a greedy landowner who wants the valley that they are occupying. The comedy here generally worked for me and I enjoyed the film.

520 - Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970) - 7/10 - Clint Eastwood stars as a mercenary in Mexico who rescues a nun (Shirley MacLaine) from bandits who are about to rape her. The nun was raising money for the Mexican Juaristas and the mercenary agrees to escort her to their camp. The mercenary agrees to help the revolutionaries capture a French fort for a large share of the money there.

521 - High Plains Drifter (1973) - 8/10 - A mysterious stranger rides into the mining town of Lago. Word is out that three outlaws are out of prison and likely headed for Lago so the people of the town hire the stranger to protect the town, giving him free rein on whatever he wants. He takes full advantage of this offer.

522 - Junk Mail / Budbringeren (1997) - 6/10 - Roy is a postal carrier who snoops on the people on his route and sometimes goes through their mail. He gets in over his head when he steals keys to a woman's apartment and goes inside. Much of the film was way too dark even for taking place at night I did like the ending..

523 - Weekend (2011) - 5/10 - A romance builds after a one night stand. I thought it was pretty boring. I didn't find either guy to be very interesting.
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Re: Movies

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524 - Rio Bravo (1959) - 9/10 - I watched this multiple times on cable back in the 1980s and loved it. Rewatching it now for the first time in 35+ years hasn't changed my feelings toward the film. John Wayne is an older sheriff who arrests the brother of a prominent rancher for murder. All he has to keep him secure in the jail is the town drunk (Dean Martin) and an old geezer (Walter Brennan). He gets some assistance later from a young gunfighter (Ricky Nelson) and love interest gambler (Angie Dickinson). There's plenty of humor and a fair amount of action and I think the film holds up pretty well.

525 - Rio Lobo (1970) - 7.5/10 - This was another rewatch after 35+ years, but I didn't remember much about this one. I've seen it described as a Rio Bravo remake, but it really only borrows from Rio Bravo toward the end of the film. Even then, it lacks the tension from the earlier film. Still, the train heist at the beginning of the film is pretty good and the film is certainly enjoyable on its own. The supporting cast isn't quite as good this time around, but isn't bad. The film starts at the end of the Civil War and then follows a U.S. Army Colonel (John Wayne) as he travels to Texas in search of the traitor who sold army secrets and caused the death of the Colonel's friend. The Colonel is joined in his hunt by a former Confederate officer that he met during the aforementioned train heist escapade.

526 - Sagebrush Trail (1933) - 5.5/10 - John Wayne stars as a man who was sent to prison for a murder that he didn't commit. He escapes and goes in search of the real killer. He ends up joining an outlaw band and meets the killer, though he becomes friends with him before discovering that he did the deed. Both men end up interested in the same shop girl. This isn't a great film, but is okay.

527 - Texas Terror (1935) - 5/10 - John Wayne stars as a sheriff who quits his job after thinking that he killed his best friend. When his friend's daughter shows up, he helps her run the ranch she inherited until she finds out about his 'secret'.

528 - Host (2020) - 6/10 - A zoom call during Covid involving a seance goes very wrong. It was better than I expected.
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Re: Movies

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529 - Angel and the Badman (1947) - 7/10 - John Wayne stars as an injured outlaw named Quirt Evans who is nursed back to health by a Quaker family. He and the adult daughter (Gail Russell) hit it off and he is tempted to reform his ways. Evans has a fairly big reputation and also has a few rivals from his past who aren't far away. It's not among Wayne's best westerns, but it is good and fairly entertaining.

530 - Born to the West / Hell Town (1937) - 6.5/10 - Dare (John Wayne) travels to visit his cousin Tom (Johnny Mack Brown) and ends up getting a job running a cattle drive for him. He also falls for Tom's girlfriend, Judy (Marsha Hunt). Dare gets suckered into a crooked poker game and needs rescuing from Tom.

531 - King of the Pecos (1936) - 7/10 - A greedy and crooked rancher claims huge territory in the Pecos River area and kills another rancher and his wife to get their property and the valuable water rights it contains. The son of the rancher who was killed survives and grows up to be a lawyer (John Wayne). The son returns to the valley after he is grown up to use the law (and force if necessary) to help the local ranchers get their water rights and to bring down the greedy rancher who killed his parents. This is one of the better 1930s John Wayne features that I've seen.

532 - Lawless Range (1935) - 5/10 - John Middleton (John Wayne) heads to visit one of his father's friends who has written his father for help. When he arrives in the town, he helps stop a group of bank robbers and discovers that the man he is going to visit is missing. A local banker has a scheme to scare off people and grab their land and John helps try to put a stop to it.

533 - Paradise Canyon (1935) - 5/10 - John Wyatt (John Wayne) is a government agent who goes undercover to try and break a counterfeiting group operating near the Mexican border. It's pretty lackluster for the most part.
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Re: Movies

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534 - The Dawn Rider (1935) - 5.5/10 - John Mason (John Wayne) returns home after a long time away to visit his father. After his father is killed in front of his eyes and he is shot during the pursuit, John looks for revenge against the man who killed him. Things are muddled when it turns out that there is a connection between the woman who nursed John back to health and the killer. The acting and script aren't the best, but it's somewhat entertaining.

535 - The Desert Trail (1935) - 6.5/10 - John Scott (John Wayne) is a rodeo star who claims his winnings at gunpoint when the proprietor tries to cheat him. just after that , the proprietor is shot and killed with blame being cast at Scott and his friend Charlie. I liked this one a bit more than some of Wayne's other 1930s westerns.

536 - The Trail Beyond (1934) - 5.5/10 - John Wayne stars as a man searching for a missing miner. Wayne and his partner discover that there is a secret gold mine and this leads to a group of outlaws trying to steal the claim. This one had some interesting moments on the river.

537 - Winds of the Wasteland (1936) - 7/10 - John Wayne stars as John Blair, a pony express rider who loses his job due to the popularity of the telegraph system. Blair and his partner are tricked into purchasing a bum stagecoach route, but through hard work, smart moves, and some luck, things start looking up, though the crooked stagecoach line owner who sold him the route sets his goons into sabotaging things. This one was pretty good.

538 - The Hellbenders (1967) - 6.5/10 - A Confederate Colonel and his sons are determined to renew the war effort after the end of the Civil War. They hijack a large army shipment of cash and carry it around in a coffin under the guise of their dead son-in-law. They hire a drunken prostitute to portray the widow. The film was okay and there were good bits here and there, but I didn't really get too into the story.

539 - The Return of Ringo (1965) - 7/10 - A Union officer returns home after the war to find that he is thought to be dead, a gang of Mexican bandits has taken over the town, and the leader of the gang plans to force the officer's wife to marry him. The officer goes undercover to try and find out if his wife has been faithful and what the full situation is in the town. This was good, though unrelated to the first film and different in tone. I liked the first film a little more.

540 - El Puro (1969) - 4/10 - Five bounty hunters are looking for a drunken gunfighter with a reward on his head. He's been staying with a woman at a saloon and cleans up his act when the bounty hunters kill his woman. This was very dull.

541 - The Ugly Ones (1966) - 5/10 - A violent bounty hunter searches for an outlaw in his hometown. The people there protect him, not realizing at first that he is just as vicious. The score is very good, but the rest of the film wasn't nearly as interesting.

542 - Vengeance (1968) - 7.5/10 - A man named Rocco looks for vengeance after a gold robbery goes bad. One of his partners betrayed them to a group of bandits and then had another partner tied by ropes tied to multiple horses and torn apart (not shown). Rocco tracks down the betrayer and then the bandits who killed his friend. The film has a good soundtrack and I thought the story and acting were good.

543 - Kanal (1957) - 7/10 - In 1944 at the end of the Warsaw Uprising, a company of resistance fighters try to escape the approaching Nazis by traveling through the sewer system. It is not an easy journey as the Germans employ gas, boobytraps, blocked exits, and so on. This wasn't bad, but I expected to like it more than I did. I'd rate it slightly ahead of Ashes and Diamonds.

544 - Show Me Love / Fucking Åmål (1998) - 8/10 - Agnes has been at her school for a year and a half, but has no friends, though she has a crush on a younger girl named Elin. Agnes is turning 16 and her mother insists on throwing her a party, expecting lots of friends to show up. Elin and her sister show up to the party out of boredom and play a joke on Agnes, but it bothers Elin and she ends up going back and spending time with Agnes. I thought this was fairly realistic and a good story. The two leads did a nice job. The last 10 minutes or so was my favorite part.
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Re: Movies

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545 - Everyday Life in a Syrian Village (1976) - 7/10 - This documentary looks at how peasants in villages are stuck in abject poverty and are being exploited by the government and farmers who take their land without compensation.

546 - Martyrs (2008) - 5/10 - A young girl escapes after being tortured for a long period and is placed in an orphanage. Fifteen years later, she seeks revenge on the people who tortured her. That part of the story was decent. What came after became torture porn and was hard to watch.

547 - Mark of the Vampire (1935) - 6/10 - A man is found murdered in his home. Are a vampire (Bela Lugosi) and his daughter to blame? This was a bit of a snoozer.

548 - A Bucket of Blood (1959) - 7/10 - Walter is a busboy at a beatnik cafe. He's a bit slow, but he wants to be an artist. When he accidentally kills his landlady's cat, he covers it in clay and a career (as a 'sculptor' and serial murderer) is born. It's not bad.

549 - Begotten (1989) - 2/10 - Mother Earth dies I guess? This is a pretty weird movie.
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Re: Movies

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550 - Dracula: Pages from a Virgin’s Diary (2002) - 5/10 - This is a ballet version of Dracula from Guy Maddin, filmed as if it was a silent picture from the early 1900s. An interesting idea that didn't work very well for me.

551 - Hangover Square (1945) - 7/10 - In 1903, Laird Cregar stars as a talented composer who is subject to amnesiac moods. During one of these moods, he stabs a man and sets the building on fire. He starts writing songs for an up and coming singer (Linda Darnell) who leads him on for dinner and gifts along with the songs. Cregar is good, though unfortunately he died prior to the release of the film. The film itself doesn't quite rise to greatness, but is still pretty entertaining.

552 - House of Horrors (1946) - 7.5/10 - A sculptor whose work is unappreciated saves a man drowning in the river. The man turns out to be a serial killer named 'The Creeper' who proceeds to kill the sculptor's critics, though suspicion falls on another artist. I thought this was fun and entertaining.
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553 - Isle of the Dead (1945) - 6/10 - Boris Karloff stars in this film about people on a Greek island in 1912 who are quarantined due to the plague, though some think that something more sinister is going on. It was kind of dull.
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Re: Movies

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554 - Ju-on: The Curse (2000) - 6/10 - There were parts of this that I liked quite a bit, but overall it felt kind of disjointed and not as cohesive as I would have liked. It wasn't bad, but needed more polish.

555 - Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) - 6/10 - In the 19th Century, a mad scientist kidnaps young women and injects them with ape blood to try and prove a relationship between man and ape. It wasn't all that interesting.

556 - Murders in the Zoo (1933) - 7/10 - A wealthy big game hunter is also extremely jealous and kills those who get too close to his wife, though she is looking to escape their marriage. When a zoo decides to host a fundraiser at the zoo with animals also in attendance, the hunter uses this as an opportunity to eliminate another rival. This was decent.

557 - Targets (1968) - 8/10 - Boris Karloff portrays an aging horror film star (essentially himself) who has decided to retire, much to the chagrin of his agent and others who want to see him make more movies. The second storyline involves a disturbed young man who is a good shot. One day, he decides to go on a killing spree, using rifles for long distance sniping. Their two paths eventually intersect. It's a very good film.

558 - The Black Room (1935) - 6.5/10 - Boris Karloff plays dual roles here as twin brothers in the 16th Century. There is a prophecy that the younger brother will kill the older brother. The older brother rules the local town while the younger brother has been away for some time. When the younger brother returns, the older brother decides to kill him to defeat the prophecy. Karloff is pretty good, but I didn't think the story itself was all that interesting much of the time.

559 - The Ghoul (1933) - 5/10 - Boris Karloff is an archeologist who plans to use a powerful jewel to bring himself back to life when he dies. The film is very dull. The quality of the print and the quality of the acting didn't help either.

560 - The Leopard Man (1943) - 7/10 - A small leopard escapes after it is frightened. Soon after, women start getting murdered and the leopard is blamed, at least at first. This was decent.

561 - The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) - 7.5/10 - Seymour creates a new plant that can talk and eats meat. It also seems to be constantly hungry. I thought this was pretty funny.

562 - The Old Dark House (1932) - 7/10 - Five people shelter from a nasty rainstorm and mudslide by taking refuge in an old remote mansion with eccentric hosts and a butler who can't speak (Boris Karloff). It's a good horror comedy.

563 - The Return of the Vampire (1943) - 6.5/10 - Bela Lugosi stars as a vampire who has been imprisoned for the past 25 years until being freed during WWII. The movie was okay, but kind of boring.

564 - The Seventh Victim (1943) - 7/10 - Mary is a young woman who lives at a boarding school. She receives word that her sister is missing so she leaves school and travels to New York City to look for her. She finds out a number of things about her sister that she hadn't previously known, including a cult that her sister is involved with. It's a pretty good film.

565 - The Walking Dead (1936) - 7.5/10 - A gifted pianist is framed for the murder of a judge and sentenced to be executed. A doctor is able to revive him after proof of his innocence surfaces. Boris Karloff is pretty good here.
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Re: Movies

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566 - The Cat and the Canary (1939) - 7.5/10 - The talkie remake is pretty good, though I think the silent version might have a slight edge. Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard are among the stars in this version.

567 - Decision at Sundown (1957) - 7.5/10 - Randolph Scott stars as Bart Allison. Allison blames Tate Kimbrough for his wife's suicide and has been tracking him down for the past three years. He happens to arrive in the town of Sundown on the day of Kimbrough's wedding. It's another nice collaboration between Boetticher and Scott.

568 - Buchanan Rides Alone (1958) - 8/10 - Randolph Scott stars as Buchanan, a man on his way back home to West Texas who stops in the town of Agry along the way. Unfortunately for him, the town is run by the Agry family and he soon finds himself in jail as an accessory to murder, having his money stolen by the sheriff in the process. I liked this one more than Decision at Sundown. Scott is very good.
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Re: Movies

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569 - The Captain from Köpenick (1931) - 7.5/10 - A man gets out of prison after many years for fairly minor offenses and finds himself unable to get a passport or work. He becomes dispirited and comes up with a scheme to impersonate an officer using a second hand uniform. This version seems to have a harder edge than the 1956 version from what I can remember. Both are very good, but I enjoyed the later version a little bit more.

570 - The Good Boss (2021) - 8/10 - Javier Bardem stars as the owner of factory that makes scales. The company is up for a regional award for excellence and he really wants to win the award, but there are a number of problems with his employees and their lives and he starts meddling to try and get things to go perfectly. A recently fired employee is protesting across the street, one of his managers is distracted due to his wife having an affair, and the attractive new intern also catches the attention of the boss. Bardem is very good here and it's a nice satire.

571 - Punishment Park (1971) - 6.5/10 - Nixon declares a state of emergency and new prisoners, mostly involved in peaceful antiwar activities, are given the option of stiff prison sentences or a chance to traverse Punishment Park over a three day period and earn their freedom. However, they would have to travel many miles through the desert with high heat during the day, little or no water, and law enforcement hunting them down. This is shot documentary style and I thought the idea was more interesting than the execution.

572 - Autumn Marathon (1979) - 5/10 - An indecisive man splits time between his wife and his mistress. I guess it's a comedy, but unfortunately it wasn't ver funny or interesting.

573 - Lemonade Joe (1964) - 7.5/10 - A singing cowboy/lemonade salesman only drinks lemonade and he comes to a wild west town with the intention of cleaning it up and eliminating the effects of alcohol. There are a number of fun gags and I liked the visual style with the tinted picture. I thought it dragged a little on occasion later in the film, but is still pretty entertaining.

574 - The Ballad of Little Jo (1993) - 7.5/10 - Josephine Monaghan heads out west and finds that being a woman alone isn't a pleasant prospect so she starts dressing and acting as a man and goes by just Jo instead of Josephine. She gets a job, builds a ranch, and fits in well. I thought this was pretty good.

575 - Westbound (1959) - 7.5/10 - Randolph Scott stars as a Union officer who takes charge of a stagecoach line bringing gold shipments from California. He runs into trouble in one town with Confederate sympathies where a wealthy man is a former acquaintance. This is regarded as one of the weakest of the Boetticher/Scott collaborations, but I enjoyed it and think it is a decent film. I do wonder why gold shipments wouldn't be more heavily guarded, though.
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Re: Movies

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576 - Hej-rup! (1934) - 6/10 - A wealthy man who owns a milk canning factory is swindled out of his fortune and left to wander the streets with one of his workers. He learns the benefits of cooperative actions with the workers as they eventually start up a collectivist dairy. I didn't find the movie to be all that funny. It was okay, though.

577 - Paris Pick-Up (1962) - 8/10 - A pretty nice Christmas noir where a man who was recently released from prison meets an attractive woman with a young daughter. The two spend an evening together, but when they return to her apartment, they receive a shock. I thought it started out a bit slow, but became more interesting as it went along and finished nicely.

578 - Poison (1991) - 4/10 - Three strange stories intermingle here. I didn't like it much.

579 - Crime and Punishment (1983) - 7.5/10 - Dostoevsky's tale is moved to Helsinki in the present. A man who works at a slaughterhouse kills another man for no apparent reason, at least at first. A lady from a catering agency shows up shortly after and is the only witness.

580 - The Last House on the Left (1972) - 4.5/10 - A girl is kidnapped on her 17th birthday along with her friend. They experience rape and torture from a gang of escaped killers. The acting is pretty bad and the soundtrack is kind of weird. It's sort of a comedy horror film.
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581 - Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011) - 7.5/10 - A group of men travel around one night looking for where a murder victim is buried. The group includes the prosecutor, a doctor, police officers, the murderers, and others. There are a number of false stops since the murderers can't remember exactly where they buried the victim. Along the way, there is plenty of discussion on a variety of topics. It's a good film, though kind of slow and the discussion isn't always the most interesting.

582 - Gomorrah (2008) - 6/10 - A disjointed film about an Italian crime family. There were parts that were interesting, but mostly this isn't all that great.

583 - Tabutta Rövasata / Somersault in a Coffin (1996) - 6.5/10 - A homeless man, perhaps with some mental issues, steals cars to stay warm at night during the winter. The police are tired of dealing with him. He gets some help from a friend.

584 - Spider Baby (1967) - 4/10 - This was pretty weird.
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585 - Lamerica (1994) - 7/10 - A small group of Italians arrive in post-Communist Albania to set up a shoe factory as a scam to make money. They find a poor old Albanian man to serve as a 'Chairman' to make it seem legitimate. The Albanian chairman is set upon by a group of children and ends up in the hospital where it is discovered that he is actually Italian, but had false papers due to WWII and was a prisoner for 50 years. The two go on a journey where the young Italian man sees the depths of Albanian poverty. It was okay, but I felt a bit detached in watching the film.

586 - Dear Diary (1993) - 7/10 - This semi-autobiographical film starts with the director driving around Rome on his Vespa. The scenery is more interesting than the commentary. In the second part, the director goes to a couple of islands to get away from things and develop ideas for a movie. The last part is based on his experiences with the medical field when he was struggling with extreme itching and insomnia, but doctors couldn't diagnose it properly. The last part was the one that I found most interesting.

587 - Senso (1954) - 7/10 - An Italian Countess has an affair with an Austrian lieutenant in the mid-1860s which leads to her betraying her people. It's well shot and acted. On another day, I might have liked the story more.

588 - Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) - 7.5/10 - Dawn is in the 7th grade and has only one friend. She is picked on by a number of kids at school as well as a teacher, and even her younger sister and mother. Life is tough, though she still has some hope. She falls for an older boy in her brother's band and a boy in her class starts showing some interest in her. It was a little painful to watch life being so unfair for Dawn, but that's part of the humor I guess.

589 - Audition (1999) - 5/10 - A widowed director decides to use a series of fake auditions to find himself a new girlfriend. He becomes fixated on one woman with a dark past and looks past the warning signs to continue his pursuit. It wasn't really all that interesting. The part I liked the best was his relationship with his son which was only a small part of the film.

590 - Gerry (2002) - 5/10 - Two friends named Gerry get lost in the desert without food or water. There is minimal dialogue and lots of shots of them trudging hither and yon. The scenery is good, but the film itself is pretty dull.

591 - Violent Cop (1989) - 7.5/10 - Azuma is a detective who doesn't mind bending or breaking rules. He routinely roughs up suspects and seems to enjoy doing it. He become involved in trying to break a drug operation that involves a local yakuza leader, his assassin, various underlings, and one of Azuma's colleagues. Things also get personal when they go after Azuma's mentally challenged sister. It's a violent film, but pretty good.

592 - PTU (2003) - 8/10 - A police sergeant loses his gun to a group of young triad members and he spends the night trying to get it back with the help of friends in the police tactical unit. The Criminal Investigation Division also gets involved and the sergeant needs to find his gun before they find out that he lost it. I thought the film was pretty entertaining.
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Re: Movies

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593 - On the Run (1988) - 7/10 - The wife of a Hong Kong detective is murdered by an assassin. The detective soon finds that he is a target as well and must team up with the assassin to try and protect himself and his young daughter. This is pretty violent and there is a lot of action, but I thought the film was only good.

594 - The Odd One Dies (1997) - 5/10 - A hitman makes a lot of money gambling then does a bunch of odd crap. The soundtrack was good, but the story did very little for me. I did kind of like the ending, though.

595 - Samurai Rebellion (1967) - 7.5/10 - In 1725, a domain lord forces the son of one of his vassals to marry his former mistress. The son and his new wife grow to love each other and have a daughter together. Two years later, the lord's heir dies and he orders his former mistress to return, thus setting off a rebellion on the part of the vassal and his son. It's a pretty good film.

596 - Red Beard (1965) - 9/10 - A young doctor is disappointed when he is assigned to a rural clinic where he will work under a demanding doctor known as Red Beard. The young doctor had expected to become a doctor for the Shogun and is rebellious at first since he now has to deal with the poor instead with little prospect for money. Red Beard's rough manner hides a very caring person and the young doctor slowly comes around. I liked this one quite a bit,

597 - Port of Shadows (1938) - 7.5/10 - An army deserter travels to La Havre where he hopes to catch a ship out of the country. He receives some help from the locals and befriends a girl named Nelly, while making an enemy of her stepfather and a gangster who likes her. It's a nice moody film.

598 - Daybreak (1939) - 7/10 - A man who works in a foundry shoots and kills a man visiting his apartment. When the police come, he barricades himself inside and refuses to come out. He then reminisces on the events that led up to his situation. I liked Port of Shadows more, but this wasn't bad.

599 - Local Hero (1983) - 7/10 - An oil company representative travels to Scotland to try and purchase a small village so that the company can place a refinery there. He discovers that the pace of life is a bit different there. It was okay.
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