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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote:So between Tamora Pierce, Terri Farley and Catherine Azaro are there any other authors you'd recommend. I'm gearing more for fantasy at this point.
I finished Moonrise. It was a short book, only 187 pages and took about 2.5 hours to read.

There are a lot of good authors out there. It depends on what you like to read.

Terri Farley has the 14 books in the Phantom Stallion series which is about a young girl on a ranch in Nevada with her dad and Grandma. She had been living in San Francisco for two years with her aunt after taking a fall from a horse and being injured. I was drawn to the series since I grew up liking the Black Stallion series.

Lauren Brooke has around 20 books in the Heartland series which is similar to the Phantom Stallion series, but takes place on a farm in Virginia where a girl helps cure horses who have various problems or fears. She lives with her older sister and grandfather. I like horses and enjoy this series too.

Catherine Asaro has written a number of books, but the ones I like are the 11 books in the Skolian Empire series which is science fiction, occasionally mixed with romance.

There are a whole bunch of other authors that I read, mostly science fiction, fantasy and young adult, though.

My favorite book is probably Magician by Raymond Feist, which is the first book in a pretty good fantasy series.

What types of books or authors have you enjoyed in the past?
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Post by fluffy »

I've read one book by Raymond Feist and I loved it.
I love horses too but aside from Larry McMurtry and Chris Evans I haven't read many books about them with the exception of Black Beauty which made me cry.
I love the Dragon books by Anne McCaffery, I just finished all the Harry Potter books. I read the Tolkien books when I was young and I wonder if I should reread them. I like Terry Brooks writing.
I think I'm pretty wide open for the fantasy realm since in the past three years I've read more mainstream books, like action adventure and mystery.

Oh and I guess by now you've figured out we're about the same age in case that matters.
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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote:I've read one book by Raymond Feist and I loved it.
I love horses too but aside from Larry McMurtry and Chris Evans I haven't read many books about them with the exception of Black Beauty which made me cry.
I love the Dragon books by Anne McCaffery, I just finished all the Harry Potter books. I read the Tolkien books when I was young and I wonder if I should reread them. I like Terry Brooks writing.
I think I'm pretty wide open for the fantasy realm since in the past three years I've read more mainstream books, like action adventure and mystery.

Oh and I guess by now you've figured out we're about the same age in case that matters.
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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote:I've read one book by Raymond Feist and I loved it.
I love horses too but aside from Larry McMurtry and Chris Evans I haven't read many books about them with the exception of Black Beauty which made me cry.
I love the Dragon books by Anne McCaffery, I just finished all the Harry Potter books. I read the Tolkien books when I was young and I wonder if I should reread them. I like Terry Brooks writing.
I think I'm pretty wide open for the fantasy realm since in the past three years I've read more mainstream books, like action adventure and mystery.

Oh and I guess by now you've figured out we're about the same age in case that matters.
Okay, this time lets try actually typing in my response before I hit submit. :roll:

Feist is definitely recommended. Magician and the Empire trilogy he wrote with Janny Wurts are excellent. I liked the first 3 Shannara books by Terry Brooks, but didn't care much for the Heritage series. First King of Shannara was good, too. I also enjoyed the Landover series. If you like Brooks, then David Eddings' Belgariad (5 books), Malloreon (5 books) , Elenium (3 books) and Tamuli (3 books) series are all worth checking out. I would start with the Belgariad series which is followed by the Malloreon. The Elenium and Tamuli are in a separate universe from the Belgariad, but go together.

I've read a few Pern short stories and enjoyed them. I have most of the Pern books and actually have them set aside for when I have time to go on a reading binge.

Other fantasy authors and series that I would recommend include:

Piers Anthony - Apprentice Adept (7 books), Incarnations of Immortality (7 books) Kelvin of Rud (5 books), Mode (4 books)

Robert Asprin - Myth Adventures (15 books) humorous fantasy and short novels

Lois McMaster Bujold is one of my favorite authors with her Vorkigan science fiction series, but her fantasy novels are really good, too - Spirit Ring, Curse of Chalion, and Paladin of Souls.

CJ Cherryh - Angel With the Sword

Bruce Coville - Nina Tanleven series - The Ghost Wore Gray, The Ghost In the Third Row, The Ghost In the Big Brass Bed

Diane Duane - Wizardry series (7 books)

Philip Jose Farmer - Riverworld series

Robin Hobb's Assassins trilogy is very deep and engaging

Katherine Kurtz original Deryni trilogy (Deryni Rising, Deryni Checkmate, High Deryni)

Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series has had a lot of good books (plus a few that were not as much fun). I'd start with the Queen's Own trilogy, Arrows of the Queen, Arrow's Flight, Arrow's Fall and then the Last Herald Mage Trilogy and then I could recommend others.

Elizabeth Moon's Deed of Paksennarion trilogy (available in one volume) is a classic.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series features humorous fantasy. There are over 30 books and some are better than others, but many of them are very, very good.

Joel Rosenberg - Guardians of the Flame series is sort of a D&D type adventure with gamers thrown into a fantasy world.

Fred Saberhagen - Empire of the East, the Book of Swords trilogy, and the Lost Swords series

Robert Silverberg's Valentine trilogy

David Weber - Oath of Swords, War God's Own, Windrider's Oath

Roger Zelazny - the Amber series, especially the first 5 books.

There, is that enough fantasy recommendations for a while? Let me know if you want a similar series of science fiction recommendations.

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Post by fluffy »

Thanks so much Kurt. Yes that's more than enough.
I'm going to go out this afternoon and see how many of these authors I can find around here. I only hope that I can find the first in the series too. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take the leap into Sci Fi.
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Post by fluffy »

fluffy wrote:Thanks so much Kurt. Yes that's more than enough.
I'm going to go out this afternoon and see how many of these authors I can find around here. I only hope that I can find the first in the series too. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take the leap into Sci Fi.
Okay I lied. I didn't go anywhere this afternoon. I was too beat up from playing tennis and since I have two unread books in the house I guess it's going to be Under The Tuscan Sun for tonight. I just didn't have the energy to go searching through the five used bookstores in town.
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Post by Psychotic_Carp »

fluffy wrote:
fluffy wrote:Thanks so much Kurt. Yes that's more than enough.
I'm going to go out this afternoon and see how many of these authors I can find around here. I only hope that I can find the first in the series too. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take the leap into Sci Fi.
Okay I lied. I didn't go anywhere this afternoon. I was too beat up from playing tennis and since I have two unread books in the house I guess it's going to be Under The Tuscan Sun for tonight. I just didn't have the energy to go searching through the five used bookstores in town.
lazyness pure lazyness :p
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Post by fluffy »

Psychotic_Carp wrote:
fluffy wrote:
Okay I lied. I didn't go anywhere this afternoon. I was too beat up from playing tennis and since I have two unread books in the house I guess it's going to be Under The Tuscan Sun for tonight. I just didn't have the energy to go searching through the five used bookstores in town.
lazyness pure lazyness :p
Oh you jerk! :P
I found The Wizard's First Rule in the bookcase by Terry Goodkind. I hope it's good. I'll start it tonight!
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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote:
Psychotic_Carp wrote:
fluffy wrote:
Okay I lied. I didn't go anywhere this afternoon. I was too beat up from playing tennis and since I have two unread books in the house I guess it's going to be Under The Tuscan Sun for tonight. I just didn't have the energy to go searching through the five used bookstores in town.
lazyness pure lazyness :p
Oh you jerk! :P
I found The Wizard's First Rule in the bookcase by Terry Goodkind. I hope it's good. I'll start it tonight!
I've got the first few books in that series and have heard good things about them, but I haven't read them. I did hear that the later books bog down a bit, but don't know personally.

I've started Zero Game, but probably won't finish it till the weekend. After that it will be Schism by Asaro and Twilight by Meg Cabot. Meg Cabot is best know for her Princess Diaries books, but her Mediator series (of which Twilight is the 6th book) is very good. Mediators are people who can see and interact with ghosts and maybe help them finish their business on earth and move on. They are very rare and it can be a dangerous job. I really enjoyed the first 5 books so this gives you another series to check out some time, as if you didn't have enough suggestions already :P
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Post by fluffy »

kurt culler wrote: I've got the first few books in that series and have heard good things about them, but I haven't read them. I did hear that the later books bog down a bit, but don't know personally.

I've started Zero Game, but probably won't finish it till the weekend. After that it will be Schism by Asaro and Twilight by Meg Cabot. Meg Cabot is best know for her Princess Diaries books, but her Mediator series (of which Twilight is the 6th book) is very good. Mediators are people who can see and interact with ghosts and maybe help them finish their business on earth and move on. They are very rare and it can be a dangerous job. I really enjoyed the first 5 books so this gives you another series to check out some time, as if you didn't have enough suggestions already :P
Well yeah, I think I have a little bit to work with here!
I'll still go out tomorrow and see what I can find in town here.
Tomorrow is a kinda/ sorta day off so I'll have more time.
It says there are five books in the Sword of Truth series which this book I've got is the first of.
I'll be interested to hear what you think about Zero Game.
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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote: Well yeah, I think I have a little bit to work with here!
I'll still go out tomorrow and see what I can find in town here.
Tomorrow is a kinda/ sorta day off so I'll have more time.
It says there are five books in the Sword of Truth series which this book I've got is the first of.
I'll be interested to hear what you think about Zero Game.
I'm about halfway through Zero Game so far and the pace has picked up. There have been a couple of twists here and there and it has been fun so far. I'll probably finish it tomorrow or on Saturday.
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Post by fluffy »

kurt culler wrote:
fluffy wrote: Well yeah, I think I have a little bit to work with here!
I'll still go out tomorrow and see what I can find in town here.
Tomorrow is a kinda/ sorta day off so I'll have more time.
It says there are five books in the Sword of Truth series which this book I've got is the first of.
I'll be interested to hear what you think about Zero Game.
I'm about halfway through Zero Game so far and the pace has picked up. There have been a couple of twists here and there and it has been fun so far. I'll probably finish it tomorrow or on Saturday.
Well I lied again about looking for books today.
However the Wizards First Rule has been thoroughly entertaining so far.
I'm glad to hear Zero Game is fun it's on my ever growing list of books to look for :P
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Post by Rusty »

fluffy wrote:
kurt culler wrote:
fluffy wrote: Well yeah, I think I have a little bit to work with here!
I'll still go out tomorrow and see what I can find in town here.
Tomorrow is a kinda/ sorta day off so I'll have more time.
It says there are five books in the Sword of Truth series which this book I've got is the first of.
I'll be interested to hear what you think about Zero Game.
I'm about halfway through Zero Game so far and the pace has picked up. There have been a couple of twists here and there and it has been fun so far. I'll probably finish it tomorrow or on Saturday.
Well I lied again about looking for books today.
However the Wizards First Rule has been thoroughly entertaining so far.
I'm glad to hear Zero Game is fun it's on my ever growing list of books to look for :P
I had heard good things about Wizard's First Rule and I plan to read it - some day. Glad to hear that you're nejoying it.
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Post by Rusty »

I finished Zero Game last night. It was good. I will probably eventually check out Meltzer's other books. The next book I plan to read is Schism by Catherine Asaro, but I do have a few others to choose from if I change my mind.

I noticed yesterday that Greg Rucka is writing Gotham Central, one of the Batman universe of titles.
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Post by korman93 »

I'm still 11 so the autors and book titles might be chidlish to you. The autor I like Lemony Snicket the writer of The Series of unfortunate Events. I also like poems by Egar Allan Poe.
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