Television Favorites!

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Re: Television Favorites!

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12 - Alphas Season 1 (2011) - A Department of Defense group uses agents with various superhuman abilities (known as Alphas) to investigate other Alphas who may pose a danger to society. The series is fairly mediocre overall, but it did get better as the season went along.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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13 - The Doombolt Chase (1978) - A Naval commander receives a coded message and then has his ship destroy a nearby fishing boat. He faces a court martial, but refuses to offer an explanation. His son and his son's friends do their own investigation and uncover the truth behind the incident. It's mostly a non-stop adventure and a nice short series.

14 - Dramarama: Spooky (1983) - A very nice anthology series of spooky tales. The series was aimed at kids, but didn't really pull any punches. I wish the regular Dramarama series that followed was available in its entirety, but I've only been able to find most of the first season plus a few other episodes.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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15 - Delta Wave (1996) - The adventures of a doctor and two kids with psychic powers. Unfortunately it's not really all that inspired.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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16 - Station Eleven (2021) - I enjoyed this adaptation of the novel about a flu pandemic that kills around 99.9% of the world's population. The show centers around a young woman named Kirsten who performs with a traveling group of actors and musicians 20 years after the pandemic. She was an 8 year old Shakespearean actor when it happened. There are numerous flashbacks to fill in the gaps. There were a number of changes from the book - some for better and some for worse. I really enjoyed the flashback sequences and Kirsten's relationship with Jeevan, the man who helped her on the night everything went to hell. In the book, that is pretty much the end of the relationship between the two, but the tv series combines and expands on their experiences together and it works very well. The sequences that take place 20 years in the future feel much less developed, though, and inferior to the book. There were still a lot of things that I liked in those parts, but much more time should have been devoted to it and some of the changes were not for the better. Doing this part justice would probably have involved adding another 3-4 episodes at least and I wonder if they didn't have the money for that so they cut it down.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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17 - The Sparticle Mystery Season 1 (2011) - In the blink of an eye, all adults and older teens disappear. The series follows a group of children and younger teens as they work to survive and figure out how to bring the adults back. It's generally a fun series.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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18 - The Enchanted Castle (1979) - Three siblings are enjoying a holiday in the country and set out to explore their surroundings. They come across a large estate with gardens and statues and a sleeping princess with a magic ring. This is a nice adaptation of the Edith Nesbit children's book.

19 - Crash Zone Season 1 (1999) - A group of teens are brought together by a software company to test video games and develop new ideas. They are soon joined by an A.I. who lives on the internet. I watched this show not too long ago, probably last January, but didn't record it so I decided to watch it again. It's not bad, though the A.I. is a pretty blatant Max Headroom ripoff.

Dramarama - 13 episodes - Some episodes were better than others. I enjoyed them.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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20 - Eerie Indiana: The Other Dimension (1998) - I was a big fan of the original Eerie Indiana series and still loved it when I watched my dvd set a decade or so ago. This spinoff series isn't bad, but it lacks the spark and edge of the original series. The writing is part of it, but the acting of Omri Katz and Justin Shenkarow plus actors like John Astin in supporting roles was probably even more important.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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21 - Continuum Season 1 (2012) - In the year 2077, society has come under the thumb of various corporations who are in charge of the government. Freedom fighters access a time machine to travel back to 2071, but end up in 2012 instead along with a police officer who accidentally got taken through time as well. She uses advanced technology that she had with her plus a helper that she acquires in 2012 to join the local police force and try to thwart the terrorist plans. It isn't anything groundbreaking, but it is a pretty good sf police procedural.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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22 - Eve Season 1 (2015) - A scientist goes on the run to keep her project secret. She enlists the help of a colleague to destroy the project, but it turns out to be a humanoid robot named Eve and the colleague's son convinces him to bring Eve home where she soon becomes part of the family. Most episodes revolve around Eve learning to be human, often through some misunderstanding.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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23 - Falling Skies Season 1 (2011) - Aliens invaded and killed a huge portion of humanity. Survivors have banded together to survive and fight back. The aliens want the children and install a device to harness and control them after capture. It's a pretty good show.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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24 - Alphas Season 2 - The second season was pretty similar to the first one. It's not a great show, but it's certainly watchable. I can see why it didn't get renewed for a third season. It's too bad about the cliffhanger ending, though.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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25 - The Feathered Serpent Season 1 (1976) - Politics, religion, and treachery in an Aztec-like culture. The leader is trying to do away with blood sacrifices and move to a more peaceful culture, but the high priest has other plans. It's pretty entertaining.

26 - The Feathered Serpent Season 2 (1978) - A continuation of the story from Season 1 with a few more supernatural elements. Still pretty entertaining.

27 - Escape Into Night (1972) - Marianne is a young girl who is confined to bed for the most part due to injuring herself in a fall from a horse. She starts having dreams about a house that she has drawn and a boy who is in an upstairs bedroom, but is unable to walk. It becomes apparent that these dreams have some relation to reality.

28 - The Cul-de-Sac Season 1 (2016) - This New Zealand drama starts with the children and teenagers waking up one morning and finding that all of the adults have disappeared and storms occasionally roll through the town destroying anybody who is caught without cover. It's not as good as other similar shows, but I'll probably check out the next two seasons eventually.

29 - Inuyashiki: Last Hero (2017) - An alien spacecraft accidentally destroys two Japanese citizens - a teenager and an older man. The aliens do a quick repair using combat robot bodies before heading off to their next destination. The teenager uses his newfound abilities for bad while the older man uses them to help people. This is a nice adaptation of the manga series, which I read and enjoyed when it came out.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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30 - Crash Zone Season 2 (2001) - More adventures with a group of teens who test games for a software company and deal with the A.I. that lives there as well. It was decent.

31 - Alienated Season 1 (2003) - A family (father, mother, teen daughter, teen son, grandfather) deals with being abducted by aliens and dealing with the subtle changes, which are mostly sexual in nature. It's kind of a dumb show.

32-34 - The Demon Headmaster Seasons 1-3 (1996) - Dinah is a young orphan girl who is placed in a home where there are two boys close to her own age. She is later adopted by the family. She soon sees that something strange is going on at her new school. The headmaster has a sort of superhypnotism power and is capable of controlling all but a handful of the students, though Dinah's brothers are among those who are immune. The headmaster has plans to expand his control over the whole country. The headmaster serves as the foil through all three seasons, though there are four separate stories and settings. All three seasons are pretty well done and entertaining with nice performances from the kids, especially the girl playing Dinah, and the headmaster. I enjoyed seeing Danny John-Jules in a couple of the first season episodes.

35 - The Demon Headmaster Season 1 (2019) - This series is a sequel to the original 90s show. Lizzie Warren and her brother Tyler return to Hazelbrook School after spending time in the United States. Lizzie got in trouble for defending her brother from a bully during her previous time at the school. Lizzie finds that things have changed quite a bit at the school due to the new person in charge - the Demon Headmaster back to his old tricks and in charge of a school. Lizzie, Tyler, and a couple of friends try to fight against the Headmaster's plans. I enjoyed this series, though I liked the original Headmaster in the 90s show more than the new one. The kids are a bit older in this series so the dynamic is a bit different this time around.
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Re: Television Favorites!

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36 - Resident Alien Season 2 (2022) - The second season was pretty entertaining and I thought it was also a little more consistent than the first season. I still like the comic book version of the main character a lot better than Alan Tudyk's version, but I've grown used to it. The supporting cast is excellent.

Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022) - A decent end to Jodie Whittaker's time as the Doctor.

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Re: Television Favorites!

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37 - She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) - I've enjoyed a number of She-Hulk comic book series over the years, from the original Savage She-Hulk from the early 1980s to the Sensational series from John Byrne and the two Dan Slott series in the 2000s. Tatiana Maslany is very good as Jen Walters and She-Hulk. The series has the humor and fourth wall breaking characteristics from the comics and I liked the various guest stars as well. I hope it gets a second season.

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