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Re: Movies

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641 - Up in Mabel's Room (1944) - 7.5/10 - Gary has been happily married for 30 days. However, before he got married, he purchased a slip for his friend Mabel while they were in Mexico and he wants to keep it secret from his wife. Since Gary is a dope, this leads to a ton of misunderstandings with his wife and their friends, thus threatening a number of relationships. It's pretty funny at times.

642 - The Gay Deception (1935) - 7.5/10 - Mirabel is an office worker who wins $5000 and decides to travel to New York City and live it up while the money lasts. She keeps running into a bellboy at the hotel who has taken an interest in her. She doesn't know that he is really a prince in disguise. I thought it was entertaining.

643 - Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) - 8/10 - Scarlett Johannson stars as Griet, a maid in 1665 who goes to work in the household of Vermeer and becomes the subject of his most famous painting. The film looks great and Scarlett did a very nice job in her role.

644 - The Magnificent Brute (1936) - 6.5/10 - Good natured "Big" Steve Andrews gets a job at a steel mill and beats the local top dog in productivity and arm wrestling. The guy he beats gets his revenge when money is collected for the family of a worker who died on the job. It was okay.

645 - Three is a Family (1944) - 7/10 - When Sam Whitaker's business plans don't work out, his wife goes to work to cover the bills. Then the couple's daughter shows up with her twins and the couple's son shows up with his pregnant wife and then more family arrives. The maids they hire keep quitting so Sam ends up having to do household chores in addition to caring for the babies. It's a decent comedy.
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Re: Movies

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646 - A Very Long Engagement (2004) - 8.5/10 - This film is a combination of a war movie and a romance. Mathilde and Manech are engaged to be married when he is sent off to fight in the first world war. He is thought to have died, but Mathilde refuses to believe it. She spends years tracking down people who were there to find out what happened on the day in question and if Manech survived or did indeed die. The film is beautifully shot. Audrey Tautou was excellent as Mathilde. I enjoyed this one a lot.

647 - Crazylegs (1953) - 6/10 - Elroy 'Crazylegs' Hirsch was a top receiver in the NFL in the early 1950s. This biopic mixes in a lot of actual sports footage. Hirsch stars as himself and while he isn't a very good actor, he's adequate enough here.

648 - Tobruk (1967) - 7/10 - During WWII, Rommel's forces have been very successful. A group of British soldiers and German jews set out on a secret mission to destroy the fuel dumps at Tobruk so that a British attack will have a greater chance of succeeding. It is a decent war film.

649 - The Lively Set (1964) - 7.5/10 - Casey (James Darren) is a college student who thinks about cars almost constantly drops out to build a race car engine for a wealthy patron. Casey has his own ideas for improving engines. He also falls in love with the sister (Pamela Tiffin) of a fellow car enthusiast.

650 - A Gathering of Eagles (1963) - 7/10 - Rock Hudson plays a hard ass USAF Colonel who is brought in to improve response time and performance at a Strategic Air Command base during the Cold War. His treatment of the men and his policies make him pretty unpopular and he also has a few marital issues due to all of the time that he spends on the job and away from home.

651 - Secret Command (1944) - 7.5/10 - A man (Pat O'Brien) goes undercover at a shipyard for the FBI to watch out for saboteurs. As part of his cover, he is given a 'wife' (Carole Landis) and two kids. The cast is pretty good and both the home life and the search for the Nazi saboteurs are done fairly well.
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Re: Movies

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652 - Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) - 8/10 - Thor, Jane Foster, Valkyrie, and a new bad guy who is out to kill all gods. The movie was on par with the other Thor movies and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked Ragnarok a bit more, but this was good and had a number of fun parts, including the end.

653 - Going Places (1938) - 7.5/10 - A lighthearted comedy about a salesman who is mistaken for an experienced jockey and is then coerced into riding a wild horse in a steeplechase race. The music was good with Louis Armstrong and his band performing "Jeepers Creepers" (written for the film) and other songs.

654 - Happy New Year (1987) - 6.5/10 - Two criminals plan an elaborate jewel heist that involves a lot of setup and disguises. Then one of the criminals falls for an antique store owner and complicates things a bit. It was okay.

655 - I'll Get By (1950) - 6.5/10 - This remake of Tin Pan Alley from 1940 isn't bad, but it isn't as good as the earlier film. The film is about songwriters and a pair of singing sisters in the era before WWI.

656 - Pepe (1960) - 6.5/10 - Cantinflas stars as a Mexican farmhand who thinks of one particular horse as his son. When the horse is sold and taken to Hollywood, Pepe follows and has a number of adventures. There are numerous cameos from various people - Bing Crosby, Jack Lemmon, Kim Novak, etc. I liked Shirley Jones as the main female character, but the movie itself is kind of meandering and a bit long.
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Re: Movies

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657 - The Navy Comes Through (1942) - 7/10 - A Navy lieutenant resigns his commission, but later re-enlists as a common sailor. He is assigned to the same ship as the brother of his former girlfriend. The ship they are on is run by the merchant marine and they go hunting for Nazi ships. It's a decent wartime film.

658 - The Time Machine (2002) - 7/10 - I liked this adaptation of the HG Wells novel. Guy Pearce did a nice job in the lead role. I still prefer the earlier George Pal version, but this wasn't bad.

659 - The Affair of the Necklace (2001) - 6/10 - Hilary Swank stars in this film about a swindle involving an expensive diamond necklace and Marie Antoinette in 1780s France. It wasn't really all that interesting, but they did have good costumes.

660 - Knickerbocker Holiday (1944) - 5/10 - Sure, let's make a musical romantic comedy set in 1640s New Amsterdam. Sounds like a great idea. Just make sure that it isn't very funny or good. Nelson Eddy, Charles Coburn, and Constance Dowling star. Pa Kettle has a small role as an inept jailer.

661 - The Formula (1980) - 6/10 - George C. Scott is a detective who investigates the murder of a friend and colleague. His witnesses keep dying as well. The investigation leads to a secret formula developed by the Nazis toward the end of WWII. This isn't a particularly interesting film, except occasionally.
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Re: Movies

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662 - Deep Waters (1948) - 7.5/10 - A troubled orphan boy (Dean Stockwell) in Maine is helped by a friendly welfare officer (Jean Peters) and her sometime boyfriend (Dana Andrews) who is a lobsterman. The boy is drawn to the sea, just like his father and uncle. The acting is really good and it's a good movie as well.

663 - Half a House (1975) - 3/10 - A married couple decide to divorce, but the judge orders them to undergo marriage counseling first. Also, they must each reside in the same house, dividing so that each has half. Unfortunately, the acting is pretty amateurish and the movie isn't very good.

664 - Heart Like a Wheel (1983) - 6/10 - This biopic covers the life of Shirley Muldowney, a drag racer who broke barriers in the sport. It's a bit boring, but mostly okay.
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Re: Movies

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665 - That's Life (1986) - 5/10 - Harvey (Jack Lemmon) is approaching his 60th birthday and is going through some sort of crisis. He's emotional, snaps at people, and is worried about his mortality. I found his character mostly annoying rather than sympathetic. It gets a bit better at the end, but isn't a very good film.

666 - The Balcony (1963) - 5/10 - A city in an unnamed country is in the midst of a revolution and there is a lot of fighting in the streets. A house where prostitutes wear various costumes and role play for their clients is mostly unaffected. The police chief is in de facto charge of the city and wants the madam to dress up as the queen to mollify the public. She has an alternate plan. This is a strange film and unfortunately not one that is very interesting.

667 - Yes, Giorgio (1982) - 5/10 - An opera singer (Pavarotti) has to see a throat doctor and ends up falling in love. There is plenty of singing of course, but the story and Pavarotti's are only so-so.

668 - When Time Ran Out... (1980) - 6/10 - There is a resort on a tropical island in the Pacific. Drillers there strike oil as well. Unfortunately, a volcano decides to become active and kill most of the people, except those who are fortunate enough to leave early or make a perilous journey to escape. This was pretty much the end of the 1970s disaster movie phase, and it isn't going out on a high note.

669 - A Chorus Line (1985) - 7/10 - Tryouts are being held for the chorus line of a new show and hundred of dancers try out. The number of dancers is slowly whittled down to a final group where about half will make the cut. There was plenty of dancing, of course, plus various songs.
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Re: Movies

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670 - There's No Business Like Show Business (1954) - 7/10 - The Donahues have a successful vaudeville act that eventually grows as they add each of their three children to the act, eventually becoming the Five Donahues. They take a break to raise their kids, but eventually revive the act. It's popular, but starts to break apart as the kids get older and have their own interests. There are plenty of song and dance numbers and I thought it was fun. A lot of the attention will probably go to Marilyn Monroe who has a supporting role as a singer who is the girlfriend of one of the Donahue sons.

671 - Hitting a New High (1937) - 6.5/10 - Lily Pons plays a cabaret singer who wants to become an opera singer. She is recruited to play a 'bird girl' in Africa as a hoax on a wealthy American (Edward Everett Horton) who brings here to New York as a new discovery. It's a harmless piece of fluff and is mildly entertaining.

672 - Jane Eyre (2011) - 8/10 - I enjoyed this adaptation of the classic novel. It has nice atmosphere, costumes, etc. and the acting of Mia Wasikowska as Jane is excellent. Amelia Clarkson was also pretty good in her smaller role as young Jane.

673 - Beaches (1988) - 7.5/10 - Two little girls become friends. One is an entertainer and the other comes from a wealthy family. They write to each other and renew their friendship in person as adults. Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey are pretty good here in showing the ups and downs of their relationship. I also liked Mayim Bialik as the little girl version of Bette Midler's character.

674 - Second Fiddle (1939) - 7/10 - A studio is having a hard time finding their leading lady for a big film. They finally find her in a skating teacher from Minnesota (Sonja Henie of course). She and a studio publicist (Tyrone Power) fall for each other. This was better than I was expecting and is a decent film.
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Re: Movies

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675 - She Loves Me Not (1934) - 6.5/10 - A dancer witnesses a murder and flees so that she won't end up in police custody as a material witness. She makes her way to Princeton and gets help from a couple of students there. Bing Crosby and Miriam Hopkins star in this fairly average '30s musical/comedy/drama.

676 - The Mayor of 44th Street (1942) - 7/10 - This film is a combination musical, gangster film, drama, and comedy. A man opens up a dance band agency and wants to help street kids at the same time, but the local gang of teens has their own agenda. The story is average, but the cast sells it and it was fun, especially when the gang of teens was involved.

677 - The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (2013) - 8.5/10 - A 100 year old man climbs out of the window of his room at a retirement home before they can bring in his birthday cake. He heads to the bus station to get out of town and his a series of adventures along the way . We also get flashbacks to his very full life. There are a lot of laughs and it is a fun film with a number of improbable (but entertaining) events along the way.
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Re: Movies

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678 - Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) - 8/10 - Michelle Yeoh gives an excellent performance here. It's a crazy story with multiple universes, jumping between timelines, dealing with all sorts of family drama, and so on. I started to get a bit tired of it with about a half hour to go, but overall I enjoyed it.

679 - Appointment for Love (1941) - 5/10 - A playwright (Charles Boyer) marries a doctor (Margaret Sullavan) on an impulse and things don't go as he thought they would, starting with her keeping her own separate apartment. It's a romantic comedy, but is kind of dull much of the time.

680 - Artists & Models (1937) - 7/10 - Jack Benny stars as an agent who wants to put his girlfriend into a large advertising campaign. I'm not really much of a fan of Benny, but I enjoyed this one more for the supporting cast, which includes Ida Lupino, Gail Patrick, Judy Canova, Richard Arlen, and others.

681 - His Butler's Sister (1943) - 7/10 - Deanna Durbin stars as a young woman who travels to New York City to visit her older half brother (Pat O'Brien) and to try and make it as a singer. Her brother is a butler for a composer (Franchot Tone) that she admires, but through a variety of circumstances and poor timing, he misses seeing her sing on a number of occasions. This is probably my least favorite Durbin film so far, but it is still a decent watch.

682 - Ice-Capades (1941) - 5.5/10 - A lazy newsreel photographer takes film of a woman skating in a park and passes her off as a famous visiting international skater. This leads to a number of complications, including that the woman in question is wanted by immigration authorities. This isn't really a bad film, but it's not a good or very interesting one either.

683 - Lady, Let's Dance (1944) - 5/10 - Belita stars a a herself in this musical skating film. She is working as a maid at a resort when she is hired to replace a dancer who left a show just before opening night. Her skills as a dancer/skater lead to her becoming very popular. The male lead character (James Ellison) isn't very likable. The songs and skating numbers are decent enough, though nothing really stands out.

684 - Riding High (1943) - 5/10 - Dick Powell stars as a mining engineer and Dorothy Lamour stars as a dancer whose father has a stake in the silver mine Powell wants to work. Throw in a bunch of musical numbers and a man who counterfeits $1000 bills and you still have a fairly mediocre movie. Not horrible, but not particularly good, either.
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Re: Movies

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685 - Spring Parade (1940) - 7.5/10 - Deanna Durbin stars as a farm girl who sets out one day to sell a goat and accidentally finds herself in Vienna. She gets a temporary job with a baker and ends up meeting a soldier/composer (Robert Cummings). There was plenty of music plus humor, drama, etc. and it is a fun movie.

686 - Sunbonnet Sue (1945) - 7/10 - Gail Storm stars as the daughter of a saloon owner in the Bowery of 1890s New York City. Her wealthy aunt is aghast that her niece sings at the saloon and sets out to shut the saloon down, hoping to bring her niece into high society. It's a nice musical with a decent story and performances.

687 - Tammy and the Bachelor (1957) - 8/10 - Debbie Reynolds stars as Tammy, a young woman who lives on a Mississippi River houseboat with her grandfather. The two rescue a man on the river named Peter (Leslie Nielsen) and nurse him back to health. Tammy visits Peter and his upper class family when her father lands in jail and she has quite an effect on the family. Reynolds and Nielsen are very good here and I liked the film very much.

688 - Thanks a Million (1935) - 7/10 - Dick Powell stars as a singer who gets drafted to run for governor when the original candidate has been inebriated on the campaign trail one time too many. The people behind the campaign see him as a figurehead. Powell is charming and entertaining here. The music is good and the comedy is decent enough. It's a good film.

689 - A Cage of Nightingales (1945) - 7.5/10 - A man has written a book about his experiences at a boarding school for boys, but can't get it published. When the book ends up serialized in the newspaper, we flash back to the story that he has written about, which includes a tough group of boys that he is set in charge of and with which he decides to start a choir. I enjoyed it.

690 - Birds Do It, Bees Do It (1974) - 6/10 - The first half of the film features lots of animal sex, so if that's your thing, you should check it out. The second half transitions more into human manipulation with animal breeding.
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Re: Movies

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691 - Brazil (1944) - 6.5/10 - Nicky Henderson (Virginia Bruce) is an author who travels to Rio for a couple of weeks to research her next book. She falls for a local singer/songwriter (Tito Guizar). This was a decent, if unspectacular musical romantic comedy. I liked Edward Everett Horton in his supporting role here more than in a number of his other appearances.

692 - Higher and Higher (1943) - 6/10 - The valet for a bankrupt millionaire comes up with a plan to rebuild the fortune by passing a scullery maid off as his daughter and marrying her to a wealthy man. Frank Sinatra lives across the street and might throw a bit of a wrench into the plan. The music isn't bad, but I thought the comedy and story were a bit lacking.

693 - Las Vegas Nights (1941) - 6.5/10 - Three sisters inherit an old building in Las Vegas and decide to open a nightclub, though a shady broker is looking to buy the property for a wealthy hotel owner. Tommy Dorsey and his band feature in the film. Frank Sinatra has a minor role in one song in his film debut. The music is decent and the comedy is adequate.

694 - Sing, Baby, Sing (1936) - 5/10 - A fifty-something movie star (Adolphe Menjou) likes wine and women. He becomes involved with a young nightclub singer (Alice Faye). Plenty of newspaper stories are written about their relationship. The music was okay, but the story was not very interesting and the Ritz Brothers were particularly unfunny in their segments.

695 - Sis Hopkins (1941) - 7/10 - Judy Canova stars as a farm girl who moves to the city to live with her wealthy uncle and his family. However, her aunt and cousin Carol can't stand Sis and her unsophisticated ways. Sis's uncle helps her get enrolled in the same college as her daughter, much to the daughter's consternation. Judy Canova is really good here and shows good musical ability and comedy skills. Jerry Colonna is one of her professors and his schtick wasn't as good..

696 - Something to Shout About (1943) - 6.5/10 - A former actress with minimal talent becomes wealthy upon her divorce and decides to use the money to finance a vaudeville show on Broadway with herself as the star. The Bricklayers act with the dogs was pretty cool. The rest was fairly average, but not bad.

697 - The Sky's the Limit (1943) - 7.5/10 - Fred Astaire stars as a Flying Tigers pilot who is home for a 10 day leave where he is is supposed to go on a national publicity tour throughout his whole leave. He skips out and ends up in New York City where he falls for a newspaper photographer (Joan Leslie). He is dressed in civilian clothes and pretends to be an aimless drifter so she tries to help him get a job, not knowing his real identity. There is plenty of music and dancing and I thought it was fun.
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Re: Movies

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698 - The House of the Seven Gables (1940) - 7.5/10 - A 17th Century house with a supposed curse is the setting for this Cain and Abel story about one brother who falsely accuses his brother of murdering their father for his own benefit. It's been a long time since I read the novel so I can't judge how faithful it is to the novel, but I thought the movie was pretty entertaining with good performances.

699 - The Men in Her Life (1941) - 4/10 - A circus performer becomes a top ballerina. A very dull melodrama.
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Re: Movies

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700 - This Love of Ours (1945) - 6/10 - A doctor takes his young daughter and abandons his wife in an unjust fit of jealousy. Many years later, he runs into his wife again and convinces her to come home with him, but the daughter is not accepting of her 'new' mother.

701 - A Yank in the R.A.F. (1941) - 7/10 - Tyrone Power stars as a pilot who ferries a bomber from Canada to the U.K. while the U.S. is still neutral. He encounters an old girlfriend (Betty Grable) and ends up enlisting in the R.A.F. to be close to her.

702 - Whiffs (1975) - 4/10 - Elliott Gould stars as a soldier who spent the last 15 years as a test subject for various army experiments involving chemicals and diseases. He receives an unwanted medical discharge and turns to crime using the same chemicals that were used on him. It's a satire/comedy, but I didn't think it was very funny. It did get better later in the picture, but still wasn't very good.

703 - Earl Carroll Vanities (1945) - 6.5/10 - A princess (Constance Moore) returns to the U.S. where she went to school as part of a delegation seeking a loan. She has a wish to sing and dance and gets her chance when the leading lady of a new show is injured before the show opens.

704 - Edison, the Man (1940) - 7/10 - Spencer Tracy gives a nice performance as Thomas Edison in this biopic which mostly covers the period from 1869-1882. How accurate the film is is another story.

705 - The Merry Monahans (1944) - 6.5/10 - The Monahans are a family group that performs on vaudeville. It has a nice ending, but is fairly average overall, though Donald O'Connor elevates the film in his scenes. I also liked Peggy Ryan and Ann Blyth.

706 - Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953) - 7/10 - This early Cinemascope was a sort of Romeo and Juliet story involving a family of Greek sponge divers in Florida who are harassed by a group of fisherman who think they 'own' certain areas of the Everglades. I thought it wasn't bad.
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Re: Movies

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707 - The Great Victor Herbert (1939) - 6/10 - The songs of Victor Herbert are featured here in a story about a married couple and their daughter who are all singers/actors. Victor Herbert is also a character in the movie as he tries to help keep the couple's marriage intact. The music was decent and the story wasn't as good.

708 - Love Me Forever (1935) - 5/10 - A wealthy cafe owner spends a ton of money to help an aspiring opera singer that he is in love with to succeed. Lots of songs, but not very interesting.

709 - The Europeans (1979) - 7.5/10 - Destitute siblings Felix and Eugenia arrive from Europe to visit their wealthy uncle and his three adult children in this adaptation of a Henry James novel. Felix is interested in painting and soon falls for his cousin Gertrude. Eugenia, who is still officially married to a German prince, has more of a snobbish attitude and is interested in marriage for financial reasons. The costumes, music, and acting were all pretty good. I found myself enjoying this a lot more than I expected.

710 - Flying Tigers (1942) - 7/10 - John Wayne leads a group of volunteer pilots in China who protect the area from Japanese aggression. Wayne has to deal with the various people under his command, including an old acquaintance (John Carroll) who has recently joined the group and seems to be more concerned wit his own interests than those of the team. It's a pretty standard, but entertaining war film.

711 - The Frogmen (1951) - 7.5/10 - The new commander (Richard Widmark) of a team of navy frogmen during WWII is disliked, in part because his style is very different from their previous commander. I thought this was a pretty good war film. Nothing extraordinary, but solid.
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Re: Movies

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712 - The Pickwick Papers (1952) - 7/10 - It's been a while since I read the book, but this film certainly captured the flavor of the book from what I recall. I'm sure that there were a number of things left out of the film, but this works pretty well.

713 - The Singing Nun (1966) - 7/10 - Debbie Reynolds stars as Sister Ann, a Dominican nun with a talent for singing and playing the guitar. The first part o f the movie is mostly pretty happy and bright, but it gets more difficult after that. This is somewhat based on a real nun whose actual story is kind of sad.

714 - The West Point Story (1950) - 7/10 - James Cagney stars as a stage director and choreographer who is hired to direct a cadet show at West Point with the ulterior motive of convincing one of the cadets to leave West Point for a career in show business. It's fairly entertaining.

715 - What a Way to Go! (1964) - 8/10 - Shirley MacLaine stars as woman who tries to give away a fortune to the government and is sent to see a psychiatrist. She tells him about how she has been married and widowed four times, becoming richer and richer along the way. I thought it was very funny and MacLaine does a very nice job.
Last edited by Rusty on Fri Jul 22, 2022 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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