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Re: Movies

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24 - The Bridge (1959) - 10/10 - This powerful anti-war movie takes place in Germany during the end of World War II. The movie starts with children attending school as normal, though with the realization that the American lines are getting closer every day. Seven boys get draft notices to report the next day. With one day of training, word arrives that the Americans are almost there. This is an excellent film and well worth watching. The director of the film got acclaim for this which led to his directing parts of The Longest Day, which is another worthwhile film.

25 - George Washington Slept Here - 7.5/10 - Jack Benny and Ann Sheridan star in this comedy about a couple who leave their apartment in the city for a dilapidated house in the country. They run into all sorts of problems on their new property from structural problems to neighbors, to unwanted relatives and so on. It was amusing.

26 - It Happened on 5th Avenue - 8.5/10 - A homeless man spends his winters in a boarded up mansion belonging to the second richest man in the world who spends his winters in a different mansion. One winter, the homeless man invites a veteran with financial difficulties to stay with him. Pretty soon plenty of other people are living in the mansion as well, including the rich man's daughter. Romance and comedy ensue. I thought it was a pretty good movie.
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Re: Movies

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27 - Breakthrough - 6.5/10 - A 14 year old boy falls through the ice in Missouri and drowns. Attempts to resuscitate him are unsuccessful until his mother prays for him. Then he starts to recover. It wasn't great, but it was okay.

28 - Missing Link - 6.5/10 - Adventurer Sir Lionel Frost tries to help Mr. Link, a sasquatch, to travel from Washington State to the Himalayas to find his relatives in Shangri-La. It was not a very complicated movie or even that good of a movie, but it was entertaining enough for what it is.

29 - Sweet and Low-Down (1944) - 6.5/10 - A young trombone player is discovered by Benny Goodman and joins his band. He becomes increasingly noticed and popular, but lets it go to his head. The music is pretty good, though the acting is so-so.
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Re: Movies

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30 - My Sweet Little Village - 8/10 - This comedy takes place in a small village in Czechoslavakia back in the mid-80s. Otik is simple minded and lives in the cottage where he was born and works for a farming collective. He is partnered with Pavek who is frequently frustrated with the mistakes Otik makes. A bureaucrat from Prague decides that he wants Otik's cottage for a weekend retreat so he tries to trick Otik into moving to Prague. Other stories from the village are interwoven, including a doctor with frequent car trouble, infidelity and more.
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Re: Movies

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31 - Krakatoa East of Java - 7/10 - A disaster film that takes place back in 1883 with some parts based on actual events (like the Krakatoa explosion and subsequent tidal wave), but others manufactured. The geography error in the title was deliberate to make it sound better. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.

32 - Mondo Cane - 6/10 - An odd documentary (though with a number of apparently staged scenes) that travels the world to show people eating strange food - ants, rattlesnake, etc., various mating rituals, animals being slaughtered and other things like drunks in Germany, people learning the hula in Honolulu and running with the bulls. Some parts were interesting while others were just strange.
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Re: Movies

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33 - Chico & Rita - 8/10 - A very nice animated film about two musicians in Havana in the late 1940s. Chico is a talented young piano player and Rita is talented singer. They partner for a contest and begin an on again/off again love affair. When Rita goes to New York, Chico follows when he can. Both find success in New York, at least for a while. Scenes with Chico as an old man are interspersed throughout the film. I thought it was very well done and the movie is filled with very nice music as well.
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Re: Movies

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34 - Three Brothers - 7.5/10 - This Italian movie has three brothers returning to the small village where they grew up after their mother dies. One of the brothers is a judge who may take on a case involving the mafia which scare his wife due to all of the assassinations of witnesses, judges and other people. Another brother works at a home for troubled boys and is concerned for their wellbeing and future. The third brother is an active union member and activist who brings his young daughter along to visit her elderly grandfather. He is also separated from his wife. The movie was pretty good as it intertwines the various storylines along with flashbacks to the grandfather's earlier life.
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Re: Movies

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35 - Little Women (2019) - 8.5/10 - I thought that this was a pretty smart retelling of Louisa May Alcott's classic story. The acting, scenery and everything else was pretty well done. I enjoyed the 1933, 1949, and 1994 versions about the same and think that all are really good movies. However, I would give this version the edge, though perhaps that is due to recency bias since I haven't seen the other versions in at least a couple of years.

36 - 1917 - 9/10 - This was a well done feature and is worth seeing on the big screen. I think it does a nice job capturing the feel of the era. The cinematography and acting are top notch and it is a worthy candidate for Best Picture.

37 - Blockade - 6.5/10 - Henry Fonda stars in this 1938 film about a farmer who takes up arms for the Republic during the Spanish American War. It was a bit heavy handed and preachy at times and doesn't hold up all that well.
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Re: Movies

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38 - Camila - 7.5/10 - In 1840s Buenos Aires, Camila is a somewhat independent young woman and the daughter of a wealthy gentleman. She falls in love with a Jesuit priest even though their relationship is forbidden. He tries to fight his own feelings, but eventually gives in. This is based on a true story and is one that did not end very well.
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Re: Movies

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39 - Gold - 7/10 - A group of mine owners plot to flood a gold mine in order to increase the price of gold on various markets and make a lot of money. Their fall guy is a newly hired mine manager who has tried to put in safety precautions which could circumvent the catastrophe. It was a decent film.
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Re: Movies

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40 - Rocketman - 7.5/10 - The story of Elton John's life and career. I thought it was pretty good.
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Re: Movies

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41 - The Caretakers - 7/10 - This movie from the early 1960s is about the treatment of mental patient as one doctor advocates for the new idea of group therapy, but is met with resistance from the head nurse. It was okay.
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Re: Movies

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42 - Guest in the House - 6.5/10 - Dr. Dan Proctor comes home to visit his brother Doug's family and his Aunt Martha, bringing along his fiance, Evelyn. Evelyn has a few mental issues and schemes to get rid of those she views as competition in order to get Doug to fall for her. She sows a lot of discord in a short amount of time.

43 - Back Street (1941) - 7/10 - A popular and energetic woman in 1900 Cincinnati falls for a man who is new in town. They have a romance, but end up separating. When they meet five years later, they rekindle their relationship even though he is married now with a son.

44 - Mister Buddwing - 7.5/10 - A man wakes up on a bench in Central Park with no memory of who he is. He's wearing a nice gray suit and there is a phone number in his pocket. He calls the number and spends the day trying to track down his identity as little bits of memory slowly return. I thought it was pretty good.

45 - The Red Danube - 8/10 - A small group of British officers arrive in Vienna in 1946 to administer the British sector of the city. They are set up in a convent and have to work with the Soviets to return displaced Soviet citizens, whether the citizens want to return to the Soviet Union or not. One such person is a ballerina that one of the younger officers falls in love with. Walter Pidgeon, Janet Leigh and Angela Lansbury are three of the stars of this entertaining film.
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Re: Movies

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46 - Lion King (2019) - 7.5/10 - I thought this was pretty good. I might have liked it even more if I hadn't seen the original.
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Re: Movies

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47 - Julie - 7/10 - A woman is scared of her husband who gets insanely jealous. She discovers that he murdered her first husband and will try to kill her as well. She manages to escape his clutches, but he continues to try and track her down. This was a decent film, better in the second half.
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Re: Movies

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48 - Goodbye, Columbus - 7.5/10 - Neil is a middle class young Jewish man who has worked in a library since getting out of the army. He meets Brenda, a young Jewish woman who comes from a very wealthy family. They fall in love with each other, but the differences in their worlds threatens to pull them apart. I thought it was a good movie. It was also Ali MacGraw's film debut.
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