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Re: comics

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309 - Igor: Movie Prequel - I thought this was a lot of fun
310 - Igor: Movie Adaptation - I thought this was okay, but the Prequel was better

311 - Jon Sable Freelance: Ashes of Eden - Sable is hired to transport a large and valuable diamond from Africa to an exhibition in New York. Problems arise after the diamond is delivered. I've enjoyed Sable for almost 30 years now and this was a good series.

312 - Jurassic Park: Redemption - 13 years after the movie and a few dinos get loose in Texas. The art and story were both kind of weak

313 - Jurassic Park: Devils in the Desert - A few pteranadons are terrorizing some ranchers and their livestock in a small town. This story was pretty good with John Byrne handling the story and art.

314 - Kull: The Hate Witch - Kull returns to Atlantis in search of a witch who has sent forces against his kingdom. I thought this was a good series.

315 - Lost Squad - A World War 2 comic with supernatural elements and a fair amount of humor. It was pretty good.

316 - Magus - After being dormant for a millennia, the seal holding back magic is cracking and soon everybody will be able to do some form of magic. This is a nice intro series and I am looking forward to the next arc.

317 - Mass Effect: Evolution - A war is still raging on a colony world between humans and turians when one group of humans comes across an artifact that irrevocably changes one of them. This was a nice science fiction series in the video game universe.

318 - Olympus - It deals with the gods of Olympus, primarily Castor and Pollux, and I didn't care for the story or the art, unfortunately.

319 - Phantom: KGB Noir - The Hammer - A so-so black and white Phantom tale

320 - Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks vol. 2 - A much more entertaining Phantom book with the final battle against Him

321 - Predator: Prey to the Heavens - A decent Predator tale that takes place in Africa

322 - Predators - not bad. It includes a prequel and sequel to the film

323 - Sherlock Holmes vol. 1: The Trial of Sherlock Holmes - Holmes is arrested for murder when he is found in a locked room with a gun in his hand and a recently deceased man in bed. It started out slow, but got much better as it went along.

324 - Shrek Prequel
325 - Shrek: Once Upon a Slime - I like what APE Entertainment is doing with the Shrek comics and hope they do a lot more.

326 - Sky Pirates of Neo Terra - This is based on a video game that I haven't played, but the comic is a lot of fun and I hope they publish more soon.

327 - Supernatural Origins - This tells a prequel tale to the tv show and is a pretty good story, though it will mean more for those who are familiar with the show.
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328 - Swordsmith Assassin - This was a very cool story set in 1870 about a Japanese man who was a master swordsmith until tragedy struck.

329 - Terminator 2029 to 1984 - A new story set around the events of the first Terminator movie. I thought it was very well done and I liked how they tied the story into scenes from the movie,

330 - Robert E. Howard Presents Thulsa Doom - The origin story of the powerful sorcerer is presented here in an entertaining story. A number of things are left unanswered, but the story is pretty good.

331 - Underground - A park ranger and his girlfriend are pursued through an underground cave system by a group of bad guys. I liked the story a lot and think that it would make for a nice movie.

332 - Unknown vol. 1 - A very intelligent female detective with a few months to live solves supernatural conundrums. A very nice first story. I'll read the second one soon.

333 - George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: The Hard Call - A school in Colorado is exposed to the Wild Card virus with only a few survivors - two aces and a joker. This is a very nice story set in Martin's Wild Cards world. I have all of the original novels, but never got around to reading them. I may need to change that.

334 - Project Superpowers Chapter 2 vol. 1
335 - Project Superpowers Chapter 2 vol. 2 - The Alex Ross driven resurrection of a number of golden age super heroes continues with a number of twists and turns along the way. I enjoyed Chapter 2, though I think that some people may be turned off by the relatively unknown heroes and the pace of the story. I'm looking forward to Chapter 3.
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336 - Black Terror vol. 2
337 - Black Terror vol. 3 - I really enjoyed this series and think it is more entertaining than the Project Superpowers book it was spun out of. I hope it is brought back for more issues when Chapter 3 of PS starts.

338 - Buck Rogers vol. 1
339 - Buck Rogers vol. 2 - Dynamite's take on Buck Rogers has been very entertaining. It has the classic elements, but plenty of humor, a good story and nice art.

340 - Conan vol. 9: Free Companions - Conan is stuck in a swamp after a battle that destroyed his army of 5000 men and he reminisces on how he got there. Not the best Conan story from the series, but a good one.

341 - Conan vol. 10: Iron Shadows in the Moon - Conan and a freed slave named Olivia end up on an island with monsters that come to life under the moonlight. This was a very nice tale.

342 - Conan vol. 11: Road of Kings - Conan sets out to return Olivia to her home in Ophira after she has a vision that her father wants her back. They meet a number of obstacles along the way in a pretty entertaining book.

343 - King Conan: The Scarlet Citadel - This tale is set after Conan has been King of Aquilonia for some time. He tells the story of how he was captured and then escaped from the Scarlet Citadel to save his kingdom. Classic Conan and a good adaptation.

344 - Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom vol. 1 - I didn't like this take on Doctor Solar at first, but it grew on me as the story progressed and I ended up enjoying it.

345 - Kevin Smith's Green Hornet vol. 1
346 - Kevin Smith's Green Hornet vol. 2
347 - Green Hornet vol. 3 - I really like this new version of the Green Hornet and Kato. At first there were a few similarities to the movie, but ultimately it was very different. I like the new team of Britt and Mulan with support from the original Kato and Mulan's cousin.
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Re: comics

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how was Kevins Green Hornet?
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It was very good. The comments I made for Green Hornet vol. 3 were for the whole series. They changed the name after issue #10 since he was done with the adaptation of his unfilmed script. I read more of the Green Hornet comics from other series on Thursday and will comment on them later. Some were based on the Kevin Smith Green Hornet, some on the movie version and some on the historic version. Good stuff, though.
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348 - Green Hornet: Blood Ties - This story serves as a prequel to Kevin Smith's Green Hornet series. It was pretty good.

349 - Green Hornet Strikes vol. 1 - This is yet another take on Green Hornet. We start with the end of the last Green Hornet in a string of Hornets and the start of a new and different type of Green Hornet with no apparent ties to the Reids, at least initially. It took me a little while to get into this series, but once I did, I was hooked.

350 - Green Hornet Year One vol. 1 - This series tells the origins of the Green Hornet and Kato in the 1920s and 1930s as told by Matt Wagner. It is very well done.

351 - Green Hornet: Aftermath - This story is a sequel to the movie version of the Green Hornet and isn't bad, though I don't think it is as good as the Kevin Smith and Matt Wagner versions.

352 - Green Hornet Parallel Lives - This series details the early life of the movie version of Kato in a series of humorous stories that end up dealing with Britt Reid in some way.

353 - Invincible vol. 13: Growing Pains - The interlude between Conquest and the Viltrumite War sees Mark dealing with a few ethics issues in how he deals with the villains. Good stuff.

354 - Invincible vol. 14: The Viltrumite War - A very violent and bloody battle between the remaining Viltrumites and their enemies. Very nice.

355 - Kevin Smith's Kato vol. 1 - This book deals with the original Kato as he prepares his daughter to fight. It also flashes back to when he met his wife. This is another good GH related series.

356 - Kevin Smith's Kato vol. 2 - Mulan moves to America where she has to adjust to a different way of life and also hone her skills.

357 - Kato Origins vol. 1 - This story takes place in 1942 with the Matt Wagner version of Kato as he has to deal with racism, murder, dirty cops and Axis spies. A very entertaining book.

358 - The Last Phantom vol. 1 - In this version, Kit Walker decided not to take on the mantle of Phantom and instead has built a large charitable organization. Unfortunately, Kit along with his family and friends have become targeted for death by a dictator and a traitor in his own organization. I've been enjoying this series so far.

359 - Lone Ranger vol. 4: Resolve - The man who killed the Lone Ranger's brother, father and friends is now hunting him and vice versa. This volume does a nice job wrapping up the story in a very entertaining story.

360 - Magnus, Robot Fighter vol. 1 - This might be the only Dark Horse volume, too, unfortunately. I like this take on Magnus.

361 - Morning Glories vol. 1 - This series is kind of confusing, but I like it. There are a lot of mysteries that seem to be unfolding slowly. It reminds me a bit of Lost in its execution.

362 - Next Men vol. 1 - This new series of Next Men is not really a good jumping on point for the uninitiated. I haven't read the series in a long time, so it took me a while to get back in the swing of things, too. The Next Men have been scattered to different points in history. Sometimes they move to a different time as well. I enjoyed the book once it got going, though I probably would like it more if I had gone back to reread the earlier volumes.
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Re: comics

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363 - PS238 volume VIII: When Worlds Go Splat - PS238 is a public school for children with super powers. It is also a book that is a lot of fun and this book is no exception.

364 - Queen Sonja vol. 1
365 - Queen Sonja vol. 2
366 - Queen Sonja vol. 3 - Red Sonja becomes Queen of a country that is under siege from without and from within. This is a nice series that is a good companion book to the main Red Sonja title.

367 - RASL vol. 3 - This alternate worlds series from Jeff Smith has been very good so far. We get more background in this volume as the series nears its conclusion.

368 - Red Sonja vol. 9: Machines of Empire - Sonja and some of her fellow mercenaries seek to defend Shem against a pair of invading armies. Very entertaining.

369 - The Sixth Gun vol. 1 - This supernatural western dives right into the story as the Preacher's daughter takes possession of the sixth gun, which can give glimpses of the future. Each of the other five guns have powers as well and all six guns together can be used to unlock something that has been sealed for a long time. Very nice.

370 - The Sixth Gun vol. 2 - The action moves to New Orleans where voodoo and related magics come into play along with a new villain.

371 - William Shatner's Tek War Chronicles vol. 2: Persistence of Memory - This series continues the story from the books and is entertaining, though kind of confusing with all of the various twists and turns along with a bit of choppy storytelling. I still liked it, though.

372 - Zorro vol. 3 - This has been a nice series. It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I'm glad that Zorro Rides Again is on the horizon.

373 - Love and Capes vol. 1: Do You Want to Know a Secret - This series is a superhero situation comedy that is very well done. The heroes are based on various heroes from DC and Marvel. Mark, an accountant in his private life and the most powerful hero on the planet when on duty, decides to share his secret with his girlfriend, Abby, who owns an independent bookstore.

374 - Love and Capes vol.2: Going to the Chapel - Mark decides to propose to Abby, but has to figure out the right way to do it. The story then follows the couple all the way through the wedding. Plenty of humor and again, very well done.
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375 - Fraggle Rock: Tails and Tales - More entertaining stories featuring the Fraggles.

376 - Jericho Season 3: Civil War - I never watched the tv show, but plan to remedy that eventually. This picks up where the tv show left off. There was enough background to catch people on the important story elements and I thought it was a pretty good book.

377 - Photo Booth - While on a drug raid, an Interpol agent comes across a photo booth that he hasn't seen since he was a kid, shortly after his parents were killed in a hit and run. The photo booth had a strange ability to make photos of places that people had never been, but were important to them nonetheless. We also flash back to see how the family survived in the years after the parents were killed. I enjoyed this story very much.

378 - Doctor Who: The Ripper - The Doctor, Amy and Rory have to deal with a bunch of spam holograms and then travel to 19th Century England to deal with the Ripper, who is really an alien, of course. A very entertaining book for Who fans.

379 - Avengers vol. 2 - The Infinity gems resurface and the battle to recover them is on. I thought it was a pretty good story.

380 - Speaker for the Dead - I think they had to cut a few corners in adapting the book, but I think the main elements are there and it is a nice book.

381 - X-Factor: Scar Tissue - Somebody is after J. Jonah Jameson and it is up to X-Factor to track them down. Another nice entry in one of my favorite Marvel series.

382 - The Complete Battlefields vol. 2 - Three stories that take place on different fronts in World War II are contained here in this excellent book by Garth Ennis and several highly talented artists. Highly recommended.

383 - Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom - The story continues with new keys introduced and a bit more of the mysteries revealed. Very entertaining, though it leaves me wanting more.
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384 - Spell Checkers - Three teenage witches start seeing problems with their powers and wonder if their friends are behind the problem.

385 - Dogby Walks Alone - A very entertaining book about a theme park called Happyplace where a group of mascots from a rival park infiltrate and steal the gate receipts. There's also a murder of a popular mascot. It's up to Dogby, a mascot in a dog costume, and Snack Girl to track down the villains behind the dastardly deeds. The books is modeled after noir fiction and has tons of homages/paradies of pop culture. It is smartly written, funny and very entertaining.

386 - Lola: A Ghost Story - Jesse and his parents return to the Philippines for his grandmother's funeral. His grandmother, Lola, had a number of powers related to the supernatural and it seems that Jesse may have inherited them since he sees dead people, monsters, demons, ghosts and other things that no one else can see. He has to come to terms with his abilities, his grandmother's death and more in this well done graphic novel.

387 - Spider-Man: The Return of Anti-Venom - Amazing Spider-Man continues to be pretty good.

388 - Captain America: Prisoner of War - Bucky is imprisoned in a harsh Russian gulag while Steve Rogers tries to uncover the conspiracy that led to his imprisonment. I enjoyed it.

389 - Young Justice volume 1 - I like the new series, but would still like to see the Billy Batson comic continued more.

390 - Incorruptible vol. 5 - This series continues to entertain.

391 - Stan Lee's Starborn vol. 2 - I liked this book more than the first volume.

392 - Cinderella: Fables are Forever - Cinderella versus (fable name spoiler left out) with flashbacks to previous encounters. Very nice.
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393 - Resistance vol. 1 - A tale that begins in Vichy France during World War II as the Germans start to take over that part of France as well. Very well done with the two main characters being a boy and his younger sister as they try to help their friend, who is Jewish.

394 - Anya's Ghost - Anya is a high school girl who emigrated from Russia at age 5 and is just trying to fit in and get the boy she likes to notice her. She falls down a well and makes a new friend - a ghost - who helps her out a lot at first, though things soon start to change. This was a very cool and entertaining graphic novel.

395 - Level Up - Dennis has been kind of a slacker since his father died. He has a lot of potential, but skips a lot of classes and plays video games till all hours of the night. Then four angels appear who get him back on track to becoming a doctor, but is that really what he wants? A nice coming of age tale with good art and a very good story.

396 - Feynman - This biography of Richard Feynman, the Nobel Prize winning Physicist is based on Feynman's own recollections of his life through his interviews and books. He is very funny and smart and this comes through in the book. The story is often told in anecdotal fashion, but it ties together well and the art also does a nice job supporting the biography. It takes a long time to read, but is worth the effort.

397 - Superman: Grounded vol. 2 - Overall, not that great a story

398 - Batgirl: The Lesson - The end of a very cool title

399 - Batman and Robin: Dark Knight, White Knight

400 - Red Robin: 7 Days of Death - I'll miss this title, too

401 - Irredeemable vol. 7
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402 - Stargazer vol. 1 - A nice story about a young girl who is struggling after the death of her grandmother. She inherits an artifact from her grandmother and it transports the girl and two of her friends to a strange world, which they start to explore in this book. I thought the book was pretty good and I look forward to the next volume later this year.

403 - Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity - The premise seemed interesting, but the book didn't really work for me. Too disjointed, storywise.

404 - Shutter Island - This adaptation of Dennis Lehane's novel was very good. The art was noirish and the tale was interesting. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, though I do want to see the film eventually.

405 - Graphic Classics 18: Louisa May Alcott - Adaptations of works by Alcott, including Little Women. I enjoyed the stories contained here, though it would have been nice to see the sequels to Little Women rather than just various short stories.

406 - Kolchak Tales: Monsters Among Us - I've never seen the tv show, but I like what Moonstone has done with the character.

407 - Graphic Classics 17: Science Fiction Classics - Adaptations of tales by HG Wells, Jules Verne and others. Some stories were better than others, but it was an interesting mix.

408 - Supergirl: Good Looking Corpse - I enjoyed this series for the most part and liked DeConnick's final story in the series, though the art was a bit inconsistent in that story.

409 - Power Girl: Old Friends - And a good series comes to a close.

410 - Legion of Super Heroes: When Evil Calls - Legion's been pretty good for a while now.

411 - Justice League of America: The Rise of Eclipso - I've never been a fan of Eclipso and this story did nothing to change that opinion.
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412 - Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin's story of vampires on the Mississippi in the 1850s is told here and is a very entertaining story.

413 - Space Family Robinson vol. 1 - I enjoyed this collection of the early Space Family Robinson stories, though I cringed a bit at the 'science' and distances used in the stories.
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414 - Bake Sale - Cupcake has a pretty good life with his bakery, his band and his best friend, Eggplant. However, his life seems to be getting a bit stale and he tries to figure out a way to get back on track. I thought this book was a lot of fun, especially with its variety of anthropomorphic characters. A sweet story in more ways than one.

415 - The Griff - An alien invasion of dragon like creatures soon destroys most of humanity, leaving only a few scattered survivors. A few of these survivors band together and head to Florida, where the mother ship has mysteriously crashed. A nice done in one graphic novel with room for more if the author decides to continue the tale.
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416 - Robot Dreams - This is another entertaining book from the lady who created Bake Sale. In this one, a dog buys a robot kit and the robot becomes his friend. However, a problem during a beach outing causes them to be separated.

417 - Amulet Book 4: The Last Council - This was a pretty good book, though not the place for new readers, I think. I just wish it came out more frequently. I really like Kabuishi's art.

418 - 99 Days - A Los Angeles detective who was a survivor of Rwanda as a boy tries to catch a serial killer who uses a machete on his victims. This is part of the Vertigo Crime line and was pretty good.

419 - Little Lulu Volume 19 - Another nice full color collection of classic Little Lulu tales.
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Re: comics

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I heard marvel is going to reboot their comics... Didit they do this in the 90's and it sucked? Didnt they make fun of DC for just doing this?
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