Seans Michaels Diary...

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Seans Michaels Diary...

Post by jennifer stambersky »

Well ok everyone here is the deal. My son Sean is undergoing many tests. Some of them are Metal levels, Seizures, & Autism through Childrens Hospital. I need to start writeing down his daily activities. Good & Bad. Well i am not good at writing with pen and paper consistantly. This is so important the I do this I thought you would all like to help. I also thought maybe some of you may be a bit interested in an Autistic child daily routines and such. If not well... TO BAD...if you do not then just simple do not read sons life is at stake and that means more to me then anything!
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Re: Seans Michaels Diary...

Post by Rusty »

jennifer stambersky wrote:Well ok everyone here is the deal. My son Sean is undergoing many tests. Some of them are Metal levels, Seizures, & Autism through Childrens Hospital. I need to start writeing down his daily activities. Good & Bad. Well i am not good at writing with pen and paper consistantly. This is so important the I do this I thought you would all like to help. I also thought maybe some of you may be a bit intrested in an Autistic child daily routines and such. If not well... TO BAD...if you do not then just simple do not read sons life is at stack and that means more to me then anything!
hey, you do what you need to do. If writing about it here helps you (and him) then go for it. I hope they are able to treat the seizures and get any other problems under control.
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

January, 13th Friday 2006, Yes it is Friday the thirteenth! 9am Well Seans day started out with a BIG BANG! As i heard my sweet little baby awake in his room I crept down the hall to sing him his goodmorning song. As i got closer to the door I saw it slowly openning. I tiptoed closer and as I did His sweet little face peeked out at me. He screemed as loud as a 3 feet tall little boy can creem ( thats very very very loud by the way) and slammed the door in my face as hard as he can (thats pretty hard). I slumped my shoulders and body and took a deep breath preparing myself for one of many hard days that Seans has. After fighting my way into his room and tackled him to the floor to change his diaper and dress him. He does not like this prosses at all to say the least. Sean is very touch sensitive so changing his clothes to him can feel very tourturous to him. Exausted i head to the kitchen to try and win the would will we have for breakfest war. Sean has nearly 0% communication though his vocablulary so very advanced. Go figure. You can imagine how fustrating this is for him and I. After kicking and screeming and rolling around on the floor (him not me HEHE) He finaly point to his picture comunicater for what it was taht he wanted to eat. Rice Crispys. He moved on to playing with his little toys. Sean has repetitive play. Whitch is pretty much just doing the exact type of play over and over and over in a way that can appear strange to the unnoligable. This morning he said to me "hippo" in a very sweet voice then ran toward the basement door top speed and slammed his litttle body into it. this means he wants his tiny plastic blue hippo that happends to be one of his favorite toys that is in the basement. So I said ok and open the basement door. He went right to it as well as the matching kangaroo. After danceing them around the house here there and all the exact places he dances all his favorite toys. He lined them up in a staight line with a few other plastic friends and went over to play on the computer for an hour or so (A B Cs ) & (shapes) & (color) games. We also read about 6 books. Sean is a very smart 2 year old. 11am I made him peanut butter and jelly crackers for lunch. We watched The Price is Right also his favorite show. The headed off for the parent tote Autistic program he is in. School went as it always does. Tempertantrums stairing off lots of jargen. I forced him to try finger painting even though he hates getting his hands yucky. He brokeout with a bad rash from the paint. Today at school Sean had tremors. His whole body shook off and on for about 3 minutes apiece two times. At one of the work times he through himself around and wacked me in the chin with his hean causeing me to bite a chunk of my toung off. YUCK BLOOD! I often get beatings here and there during Seans rampages. Well we got through school and came home. 3pm I am teaching him spanish so we worked on that for 30 minutes. Then had dinner. All he ate was potatos. So later I gave him a meal shake to balence out his daily vitamins. His brother read him 5 books and I read him 3 more. He paced and circled after words for a while then watched his brother play Madigascar on game cube for a few minutes. Watched The big comfy couch vhs tape & had a muffin for snack. 8pm I took him to bed and tucked him in bed with a disney movie to wathc to help him fall alseep. Sean does not take naps and will usaully sleep throught the night til 9am
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Post by Psychotic_Carp »

I have nevr heard yo speak spanish :P

do you think he will get less violent soon?
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

after his tests we will find the right medications for him that will help him be more high functioning
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Post by fluffy »

Wow...go for it Jennifer. If writing it down here works for you than by all means, go for it.
Why are you teaching him Spanish? You wrote that his vocabulary is very advanced yet he has poor communication?
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half my family speaks spanish..its my heritage so i want my children to know it.........also he is absest with differnt laungages and enjoys hear them
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

1/14/06 today we had a better start..during seans good morning song he gave me a half smile. he has home maid waffles for breakfest mmmm...lots of high pitched screaming this morning....after twiling and paceing for a while he played with his blue hippo same as shaking or staring today..he has been repeating words over & overlike his he did alot of that today....we had hot dogs for lunch though he refused them...we had spanish sean counted to 10 in spanish! wow he is so smart, then music and went to gramas for an over night...grama watched him for a while while i took his older autistic brother to a birthday party...when i return he attacked me physicaly here and there...scratching at my face and hitting and kicking me..he also pulls the cat and dogs hair absesively...the squeling seems to be increasing everyday....patting his ears lots today....more twirling and pacing weird jumping and hand flapping for extended periods as well as finger flicking...lots of jargin and some 'on his own" words...he also counted to 25 today...sean can speak with promts...without them he has alot of diffaculty communicating his needs and he can talk just not to you or me....before going to sleep he ketp squezing his body between tights spaces to help calm himself down its commen presher seeking with autism...he is sleeping in his gramas bed tonight....good night my sweet babyoxoxox
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Post by Psychotic_Carp »

Why do the pets keep going to him? gotta love animals
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

1/15/06 sean had a great morning...woke up with smiles and laughing...bringing me weebles and naming the animal that they are and making the sounds they make...what a cutie...he spent the morning linning them up in a perfect row only to get so extreamly upset when my mothers dog messed them up..then for 10 minutes he twirled in a circle....he was a bit starey as well...after dounuts for breakfest we went to church...he did awesome! we got into the car to go out to eat...the first place we came to was somewhere he had never been..this is very stressfull to i dragged him in kicking and screeming only to find out that there was a 25 minute wait??? ok time to go cant stay i dragged him kicking and screeming quite litraly back to the car to find somewhere else to i was tring to get him into his car seat he did what he seems to be fond of doing when angry..scratch at my eyes only today he got me good...nice slice right on my retna! ouch my eye swelled and i am still seeing blurry...its pounding with pain...i was so upset i cried alll they way to the next place...he must of felt bad because he went right in like a good boy should...inside he did very well using his communication pictures to tell us what he wanted...great job sean!...we drove home.. did some spanish and sang some songs...he colored for a while...then he played with strings (hard to explain, just that its strange)...later he found his hippo :)~...after counting in spanish for his dad we read a few books tucked and kissed he went to sleep...good night my little banbeano
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Post by Psychotic_Carp »

was ian this violent when he was his age?
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

he had some aggession but no not anything like this...we are considering medication for sean when i would never have for ian
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Post by megan kenny »

oh my gosh sean has really changed since the last time i saw him i have never seen him doing any of this when i was around him
so cool
so cool YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
so cool
so cool
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

i know he really is a smart little stinker
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Post by jennifer stambersky »

1/16/06 sean did awesome today! he woke up in a great mood...he used his pictrue communicater all day very well...he did pace quite a bit and didnt eat very much...but he played with blue hippo and other toys as well...he brought me toys and named the animal and there sound...he had computer time for an hour worked on shapes abcs and colors....i am reading THE WIZARDS FIRST RULE and he snuggled up to me as i read so i read aloud the last paragraph of the chapter when i put it down he kept bringing it to me saying abcs acbs so i read another entire chapter to him and he loved it! when i set it back down he picked up the bokk and looked through it. when he came to the fist page of the chapter he would read aloud C-H-A-P-T-E-R which was in bigger writing...what a smart guy ~sigh~ no teacher today because of martian luther king day...his brother read him 10 books...and he read about 20 on his own...he went to bed great and went to sleep right away...what a good boy
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